Rachio Rain Delay not working

The rain delay functions are not working in the built-in driver. Rain delay should go from 0 (no delay) to 7 days.

If you click on Increase Rain Delay you get this in the log from the controller child device and the state of rainDelay stays 0:

error java.lang.ClassCastException: null (increaseRainDelay)
debug updateRainDelay to 01
debug Increasing Rain Delay

If you click on Decrease Rain Delay the state of rainDelay changes to 7 and this is in the controller log:

debug updateRainDelay to 0
debug Decreasing Rain Delay

If you then click on Do Set Rain Delay you get this in the controller log:

error groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot compare com.hubitat.hub.domain.State with value 'com.hubitat.hub.domain.State(2018-09-24 13:34:37.409, null, rainDelay, null, 7, NUMBER)' and java.lang.Integer with value '0' (doSetRainDelay)
debug UPDATED: Watering is set to (Offline)
debug Set Rain Delay com.hubitat.hub.domain.State(2018-09-24 13:34:37.409, null, rainDelay, null, 7, NUMBER)

and this in the app log:
error groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.hubitat.hub.domain.State.multiply() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer) values: [86400] (setRainDelay)

If you put in a number say 1 and click Set Rain Delay the state of rainDelay changes to null then clicking Do Set Rain Delay generates similar errors.


What platform version are you running?

I'm on It also failed on but I wanted to wait until I upgraded to report it. I have a Rachio 8-Zone (Gen 2) if it makes any difference.