Rachio polling or push events on watering start?

I set up my rachio integration a couple days ago, and linked it with a rule machine script to control the water valve controller that feeds the sprinkler. I use this to shut off the water when the sprinkler is not running, and to open the valve when the sprinkler starts.

I noticed that when I started the sprinkler, the valve did not open right away. It looks like hubitat was only polling the status of rachio every 15 minutes. I manually refreshed the rachio device and my rule machine script kicked in immediately.

I have created a second rule machine script to refresh the rachio status every minute, but it would be nice if rachio would push the watering event to hubitat, instead of having to constantly poll it.

Is this expected behavior, or do I have something set up wrong?

What valve to feed do you have? It has a controller? How it's activated? Zwave?

I suppose you have separate valves for each zone with Rachio

Actually, I'm using a zooz water valve controller that's attached to the main shutoff in the basement, that feeds the sprinkler system, so it's just one case that I'm controlling. And then on the rachio integration side of things, I only added one of the zones to hubitat, as it won't allow me to finish the setup if I don't select any zones. But I just use the status of the rachio controller to tell if it's watering or not.

Basically the rachio controller itself shows up as a device, plus individual devices for however many sprinkler zones you want to add to hubitat.

Ok, I wanted to know because I have Rachio too, I have 4 zones, one valve for each zone and I have a master valve, everything is connected to Rachio directly, but your master valve it's a z wave device so it will depend of the communication between HE and Rachio integration.

I can't tell you anything else because I ended uninstalling Rachio from HE in the search of what was slowing my hub, anyways Rachio has been very independent and I really did not had anything to assign from HE to Rachio, it works alone very well, I been like a year without doing anything to Rachio, just manual waterings to confirm all the sprinklers are in good condition.

Hi. I have the same scenario as you with a valve to control the irrigation water supply and a Rachio that I watch to see if its switch is on or off. On makes the water supply open, off closes it. The driver doesn't update quickly enough sometimes to open the valve.

Did you ever get this sorted out without refreshing the Rachio every 1 minute?


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I had to create a rule to refresh every one minute. I use Zooz relay controllers to control remote valves away from the Rachio. It never polled quick enough to turn on the remote valves. Once I setup the rule to refresh, everything has ran fine.

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Thank you, @curtman3. Could you please share what your refresh rule looks like? I want to compare it to mine.

By the way, I discovered that Rachio cuts you off after 1700 API calls in 1 day - so don't poll every 30 seconds like I originally did. :slight_smile:

I really, really want to help you with this. But I moved last year, and have no irrigation at the new house, or Rachio anymore... But I can tell you the gist of how I got this working:

  • I got Rachio webhooks going
  • I set up a webcore piston to listen for the rachio webhook
  • The webhook would look for SCHEDULE_STARTED or SCHEDULE_COMPLETED and open or close the valve as needed

There's some docs on the rachio site about the api, but I think I had to set up something on rachio's side to subscribe to my webcore piston URL:

Make use of the "External URL" on the piston to get the URL to put into rachio somewhere...

I'll get you a copy of it tonight.

Wow. Thanks for this. Looks like I have some reading and learning to do this weekend.

Thank you. I actually had to disable the Rachio app earlier today because it was causing hub errors. It could have been my over aggressive refresh rule doing it though.

As promised