RACHIO Integration Broke

So how do I reinitiate comms and/or login from this state?


Is there a way to disable the the built in polling or change the intervals? My Rachio isn't "pushing" updates when the valves are triggered. The only way Hubitat knows a valves has been activated is if a manual refresh is done.

I had a rule created that refreshed Rachio every minute (kept within the API threshold). But since I updated the Rachio integration, with the built in polling, I hit the max threshold. The gap, which I believe is 15 min, is to big and I miss some waterings.

Quick background on how the system is setup and why this is important: My Rachio is hardwired to 3 zones. Then I have 3 zones in a remote location, and 2 other zones in another remote location, which are connected to ZOOZ Zen16 respectively, which are tied into Hubitat. When the Rachio reports to Hubitat that a valve is open, Hubitat will trigger the appropriate remote valve. So when Hubitat "misses" the valve activation, those zones don't get watered. I hope that makes sense.

@support_team Any answer on how to reinitiate this?

@jgbLC did you ever figure this out? mine is doing the exact same thing since june 22. normally i would see the rachio do a heartbeat every 15 minutes, it is online, i can connect via app, irrigation is normal, it's just not in HE. exact same error - no devices found.

No, I never did get to work. So I basically gave up and deleted the devices and the app from my system. I had not really come up with a useful automation to use with it. But I imagine there could be. Maybe I'll try again someday.