Quick RM Q

In RM, when you run another rule from inside a rule...does it stop the current rules progression and then start the originating rule when it completes...or somehow interleave with the processing of the rule that called it?

Only if you have somehow configured your rules to do that.

In general, if rule A runs rule Bā€™s actions, rule A will keep on going with the rest of rule Aā€™s actions, while the actions from rule B also execute.

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Perfect! Exactly what I wanted to know. THANKS!

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Yes, but pay attention to the "in general" part.

Hubitat's scheduler is event driven. I asked a similar question, and @bobbyD replied that no assumptions could be made as to which would be scheduled after the invocation of the subroutine rule.

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I was having CPU load severe warnings at least once a day. It would stay in overload for almost 1/2 an hour. Reboots did always clear them. Though they were not always tied to an event running. I've done several things that seemed to reduce the frequency...

The last thing I did was take the called rules and add them directly to the app that was calling them. It hasn't happened since...but it's only been a few days.

This is on a C8-Pro.