Question about Instruction in the How-To migrate to C-8 Documentation

I just got my new C-8!!! :heart_eyes: In reading the How-to on migrating to a C-8 there is an instruction that says to disable all cloud and LAN integration apps and devices.

I am just curious about the device piece of this. If the devices are a child of an App that integrates with the internet, do I need to disable the app AND the devices, or just the App? Asked another way, if the device in question does not have a LAN IP it points to or FQDN, or a web address referenced in the device child settings directly, does it need to be disabled?


If the devices are child devices of some app integration (e.g., Lutron), you generally don't need to disable the child devices. Really, this is only a concern for a select few integrations, mostly cloud -- Alexa was one that I know came up during testing. There are some where it doesn't matter at all, e.g., Hue, Lutron, and most local/LAN integrations shouldn't unless they configure something on the device itself, like most/all built-in Shelley drivers do (so you'd want to disable those devices). It can also be helpful to avoid a lot of initialization and hub load the first time you boot after migration (most of these issues have probably been resolved now, but I think some people noticed problems early on), so it never hurts to disable more than you truly need to and then re-enable one-by-one after you're up.

Since there are so many nuances, the easiest advice is just to say "everything" instead of picking apart every possible combination someone might have where it may or may not actually be needed. But in your particular example, it seems just the app would be fine.