Qubino Flush 2 Relay - Electric Floor Heating - Power level/dimmer not supported?

Hi, I need help configuring Qubino ZMNHBD1 for controlling electrical floor heating. The device was previously used in a Zipato system and was working correctly. It could be switched on/off thru a dumb in-wall switch or thru the app where you could adjust the power output (in %) with a dimmer. There is no thermostat, just a Qubino connected to a in-wall switch and a temperature sensor. After moving to Hubitat, Qubino performed a factory reset and was connected to Hubitat.

I added a dimmer tile to the dashboard to control the heating. I selected 100% on the dimmer and after 3 hours, the floor tiles are a bit warm but not enough, colder then they were before on the Zipato system on 50% and in shorter period of time. The logs are reporting every minute with something like:
Qubino Floor Heating - energyDuration is 3.35 Hours
Qubino Floor Heating - energy is 0kWh
Qubino Floor Heating - power is 0W.
And sometimes with: Qubino Floor Heating - power is 1.1W.

When I adjust the dimmer in the dashboard and refresh the web page, the slider would go back on 0%.
Using stock firmware Qubino 2 Relay Module and Generic Component Metering Switch for the two child devices Qubino 2 Relay Module - Switch 1 and 2.
Device page for Qubino is saying:

Current States

  • energy : 0
  • energyDuration : 3.37 Hours
  • power : 0
  • powerHigh : 39.4
  • powerLow : 0
  • switch : on
  • temperature : 29.5

And after doing something (not really sure if it was turning it on, adjusting the power or what) the logs are reporting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'setLevel' is not supported by device 97. on line 597 (method dashboardCmd).
How am I supposed to adjust the temperature/power output of the heating? It worked good before, so I am pretty sure it is the programming/firmware that is not good.

Thank you in advance, Simon

Think about a Door/Window Sensor. You can't send them a Command to open a door or close it. In other words, that device is a sensor.. there are NO commands that go to it except "send status".

The Qubino's are Relays. That is the only portion of the device you can control. On or Off. Everything else is a Sensor, a value that comes from the device. The Qubino's themselves don't accept power commands.

setLevel is a dimmer command, naturally, but relays don't dim. They do On, they do Off, nothing in between.

Therefore, I conclude that you're missing the thermostat portion that somehow was integral to your previous system (Zipato). You need to tie the temperature values into a Thermostat (logic to determine that the temp is above or below a SetPoint,) and then take action to turn off or turn on the controlled device.

Before I go to far afield, did I misinterpret your question ?

Thank you for answering. There is actually another relay connected (RSPSF-14AE). Not sure exactly how everithing is connected together, but i am guessing the the Qubino is switching the other relay that is passing the current because it does not support high current and the dumb relay does or something like that. I dont know, I'm not an electrical engineer.
Dimming is then sure done by software, but I don't know how to do something like that here. If there is a way to do that, I would rather not spend money on a thermostat. If there is really no way of making this work, I can accept buying a cheap thermostat of AE. Right now I just need someone who knows this stuff. Thank you

Thermostat is, in my mind, a set of rules. That means it can be reproduced by a rule following engine. Fortunately, we have such a thing at our finger tips :slight_smile:

You have the pieces, except the rules that make a thermostat. You have a temperature sensing device, you have a relay that causes the temp to alter and you have a slider to set a SetPoint. :smiley:

You can test this... manually. Look at the temperature value currently, turn on the relay and verify the temp rises in a few minutes. Turn off the relay and verify the temp drops.

You need to create an automation that detects the real temp as being below the SetPoint and then turning on the relay. When the temp climbs above the SetPoint, the relay is turned off.

That would constitute a thermostat that would work but would not have ANY safety features. It would work under human oversight. I wouldn't leave the house if that and that alone was enabled :smiley:

You'd have to, at a minimum, deal with failures. I have a less dangerous situation with water. I have a pool and I refill it when the sensor says to, once a day, BUT I limit it to 12 mins of On time, and 24x7 I'm turning it off every 20 mins. If mine goes bad, I have a water bill, and my drains get a good cleaning. You could start a fire.

I have changed the dimmer tile to a switch. When I turn on the switch, the Qubino has the status ON but logs say the power and energy are most of the time 0 and sometimes the power is about 1W (random, about every 3-4 minutes). It is probably heating but very very slowly, which I don't want. How can I change this behavior?
And also, a temp sensor is at about 1.5 m up the wall, it is sensing room temp, not floor, which is not ideal for that kind of a setup you described. Maybe I should stick a sensor to the floor?

If the Qubino is energizing a "real relay" then all the power is going to be flowing though that relay. The power visible on the Qubino will be just the power that it takes to make the other relay go CLACK.


you need this virtual thermostat

Yea, that's exactly what @user2177 needs.

I installed it and selected an outlet to be controlled as well as two Temp sensors. I then adjusted one of the temp sensors up and down and saw the outlet be turned On and Off accordingly.

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I found I had to make this modification to replace line 295 of the code:

	logger("debug", "Sensor \"${sensor.label ?: sensor.name}\": " + sensor.currentValue("temperature"))

It happens that the virtual devices I am using don't have Device Labels yet.

It changes the debug from:

app:886 2022-10-29 08:54:30.575 PM debug Sensor null reported 72.6
app:886 2022-10-29 08:54:30.572 PM debug Sensor null reported 70

to this:

app:886 2022-10-29 09:01:44.548 PM debug Sensor "pseudoTempSensorA": 72.6
app:886 2022-10-29 09:01:44.546 PM debug Sensor "pseudoTempSensorB": 70

Hi, I installed the app, configured the setting and added the thermostat tile to to dashboard and I think I got it working. I will continue to test it and if I encounter any issues will post an update. Thank you very much!

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