Pushover Notifications Driver [Slightly Enhanced]

Thanks for the reply. I'll switch over to yours and test.

Just to confirm:
In the message field for notifications I would utilize this tag
§[http://urlgoeshere.com](http://urlgoeshere.com/)§ text to be displayed in notification goes here

because I was getting confused with the HTML example above which includes hyperlink code.

[HTML]<a href="http://example.com/">word</a>

I am not very familiar with some of these features, as they were added by community members.

If you look through the above posts, I am sure you’ll find the name of the developer who added the feature who can probably answer detailed questions.

Spoke with @tsaaek who provided me clearer instructions on how to format the rich notification link.

Your example in the documentation is slightly wrong or should note that you only need to encase the url with § around the url, and the ¤ symbol is not needed for actual notification text to be displayed.


Thanks again for this driver and all the work from everyone who contributed. It'll be very useful.


Glad that you worked it out.

Just to be clear, the ¤ is to set the text on the link itself. The message is written outside of the symbols.


§http://example.com§ ¤Link text¤ This is the message

Real life example :wink:


Thanks for the follow up. That makes perfect sense now. :ok_hand:

Hahaha great real-life example.

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As a device driver developer myself, I agree it's not all that magical ... BUT ... HPM is nice about letting people know when a new version is available. :sunglasses:

Yes, yes, I know I can always check this thread/topic for you to announce a new version. But HPM can do that automatically and that is a very nice feature even coming from someone that knows how to copy/past the raw github files easily :slight_smile:

I was about a month behind in this latest update. If you had it in HPM I would have known about it much sooner :blush:


@ogiewon, Pushover supports "Lowest Priority" (Pushover Priority). Please add the following code. I don't remember why I chose "S" for lowest priority when I added this code to my copy of your driver in May 2021.

        customPriority = "-2"
        message = message.minus("[S]")

Thank you.

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Thank you for your contribution! I have added the new "Lowest Priority" feature using your code above, and attributed the credit to you.


Do I need your driver for the prioriy messages? I can't seem to get that with the built in ones

EDIT: Nevermind, seems to be working now.

Yes, you'll need the the community driver. It has priority, supplementary URLs, message title and a number of other features.

The built-in driver supports Pushover’s priority messaging at low, normal, high and emergency levels.

ETA: and supplementary URLs.

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Is it possible to send multiple links in 1 pushover notification? Like a yes or no option to choose from?

I havn't tested it. But maybe it is possible with HTML?


Yeah, links are only supported as a part of the device notification text in HTML. Oddly, I couldn't find anything in the api that suggests being able to have clickable actions in the device notification that we have in our driver.

The links should work. Just need to remember to click the notification to see it in the pushover app.

How can I utilize [HTML] tag in an RM rule for a link in the notification text?

I tried setting in a RM rule and it strips the entire HTML tag when I click done setting the notification action or even when setting a custom attribute command to send notification.

Figured it out with [OPEN]/[CLOSE] feature. Thank you!

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I have recently converted all Hubitat notifications to the "Enhanced Pushover" device. It resolves an issue I have had since migrating from ST, getting certain (emergency type) phone notifications even if my phone is on Do Not Disturb. Fantastic! I have tried so many ways on Android Samsung Phones, and not until Pushover I have had no luck. Thank you!

I could have kept using Hubitat Android app for other messages but I did not want the different sources for hub notifications.

Since I have 3 hubs, all with their own Pushover device using a single Pushover account, I wanted a way to know which hub the message came from and keep all the message in the same Pushover message queue. I added a Prefix_Message input to the device driver and then just append the value to the message before it is sent. I am using [H1] for Hub1's Prefix_Message and get this when a message is sent:


I don't know if this is worth being added for others or just modified if any other user wants this feature.

add this to the preferences section

    input("Message_Prefix", "text", title: "Message Prefix:", description: "Choose a prefix for all messages")

replace line 238 with:

    message: "$Message_Prefix" + "${message}",

I'm very happy with how the enhanced Pushover driver has improved my smarthome notifications. I started experimenting with ElevenLabs AI voice-generated text-to-speech recordings, and I found a couple of great realistic voices. I decided to convert most of my notifications to play spoken words. Some voices are calm and easygoing tonality and some are serious to alert me of an issue. It's been fun making them, and it also gets people interested in what they hear and asking about it, which leads them to ask about Hubitat and raises awareness of the platform.

With the modified driver, I don't have to pick up my phone or flick my wrist to read a notification. I can hear it from my pocket, while it's lying on my desk or nightstand, or even while it's charging in my car and out of sight. It stopped me from having notification numbness, where I would ignore them at points. Now I can just swipe them away and use them as a history log of events. I've also appreciated the priorities function for some night notifications so they don't speak while I'm asleep. I'm really impressed with Pushover, but especially with this driver.


I have been using the HE driver for a while now and it works great but the Speak has never worked; all I get is the plain notification.
I tried this driver today (seems like it's the same as HE nbow?) and the Speak doesn't work either.
Am I missing something? Maybe all the Voices don't work and I need to pick a certain one?

Pushover does not support Text To Speech notifications.

I wrote the original Pushover driver for Hubitat years ago, while the Hubitat platform was in its infancy. During those days, in order to allow as many Hubitat apps as possible to use the driver, I added the Speech Capability to the driver, along with the Notification Capability. These two capabilities ensured the greatest compatibility with the apps that existed at the time.

Thus, one should not expect any sort of TTS for functionality from the Pushover Driver.


Did a quick read of the first few pages and missed the caveat:
(Note: If you use the 'Speech Synthesis' Capability of this driver, you will still simply get a push notification on your phone/tablet. This driver has nothing to do with Text To Speech (TTS).)
Random posts later led me to beleive they were using Speak successfully.
