Today I realized I hadn't actually seen a pushover notification in a while. It turns out I had it set to deliver silently (no idea why I would do that). I changed that, then I started getting this weird notification, it's not throwing any errors in the hubitat logs. Has anyone seen it? Does shine know how to solve it?
Restart your phone...
Still getting that error after a restart.
Reset your user and api keys... (you'll have to copy them to your existing device on hubitat) That should refresh the oauth
Now i'm not getting any notifications. Here is what I've done:
*Reset the user key
*Reset the api key
*Updated both in the pushover notifier device.
*Updated the hub IP address (it had the address for a hub I no longer have on a network I no longer have. Honestly on that alone I have no idea why it was working).
*Deleted the previous devices.
*Uninstalled and reinstalled pushover app.
*Logged in to new app installations on phone and tablet.
*Sent test notification from
*Received test notification on both devices.
*Triggered an action that should have generated a pushover notification. That notification is received on the hubitat app, but not pushover (It is set to notify my wife via the app and me via pushover).
Any ideas?
Figured it out. The notifications are coming from my apps hub. I hadn't changed the settings on that hub. Once I did it seemed fix the problem
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