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Platform Version2.4.0.151
I recently changed the eMail address of the admin account on my hub. Since then push notifications have not been posting to my phone. I deleted the app, and reinstalled it and logged into it using the new email admin account. All of the information seems to be correct. I restarted the phone. I unplug the power to the hub and plugged it back in. All notification settings on the phone seem to be correct. Yet I am not receiving my push notification. This is rather an important feature for me as i am deaf-blind and I use these notification to monitor what is going on in my house.
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Do you only have one hub?
When you logged back into the app after deleting it, it may have asked you to select your hub and then either pick an existing "device" on the hub, or create a new one. Did you maybe make a new one accident?
You can go to the devices list on the hub and search for "Mobile" see if more than one shows up.
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Well, this has been a rather long day. I ended up creating a second mobile app device by editing the DNI on the original mobile app device, and moving all of the rules and notifications to that device. Everything was working fine, so I decided to delete the old mobile app device. That seemed to break it again. I tried creating a third mobile app device, but the push notifications were not working there either. So I deleted all of my mobile app devices on the hub; deleted the app on my iphone. Then I created a brand new mobile app device. That one did not seem to work either.
Then I tested the presence feature and sent a gps event from the iphone. That seemed to wake up the mobile app device and everything is working now. I wonder if I had sent a gps event to my original mobile app device, if that would have worked.