Purchasing my First Devices - Recommendations

Hi Guys

I am looking to purchase my first physical devices to connect to my HE Hub. I think motion sensors, magnetic switchs, and smart buttons to start with.

Willing to spend a little more if it means less headaches down the road. Also, I am based in Europe, so would need something that is marketed here.

Looks as though some of the sensors and the buttons from Samsung SmartThings range might fit the bill?


Nothing wrong with those devices. They work well.
You might like to read up on Zwave or Zigbee devices and decide if you’re up for a mix of them or stick to one.
See here Z-Wave vs Zigbee


As you look at devices, the below link gives a list of native (i.e., HE staff developed) devices. Some are older models. List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation

In addition, there are numerous stable community developed integrations. Before buying anything check the list or search the forum for the device to see if there is an integration.



Adding to that, it might be a good idea to check out the documentation on building a strong mesh. It gives a lot of understanding to the concepts.
Welcome to the community!


Wouldn’t you start with lightbulbs and outlets, if you are planning to automate your home?

I think I started with contact sensors because MSO always left the house with the back door or a window open.
We’d both get an sms that something was left open. :blush:

Depends on what one is trying to achieve. Hubitat can do a lot of things, automating the lights is just one of them, and everyone's priorities are different.

Good point!

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