PS4 WoL/Standby driver

Anyone else interested in collaborating for a PS4 power management driver over ethernet? GitHub - dhleong/ps4-waker: Wake your PS4 over LAN (with help from the Playstation App)

I had a glance over the PS4 Waker github... It requires encryption libraries (for AES 128 CBC), so it's currently not possible to port it to Hubitat.

I think the best you could do would be to set it up on an RPi then talk to the RPi from Hubitat.

Revisited this, since Hubitat now allows us to use encryption classes.
Turns out the status and wake functions didn't require the encryption :slight_smile:

I wrote a driver that seems to be working well on my PS4. If you just want to know the power status, install the driver, put the PlayStation's IP in, and set a poll interval.
However if you want to use the wake function, you need to do an initial linking setup which is a little complicated - the details are in the ReadMe!

(It would be cool to have the logging in/launching a title/enter standby functions too. They use a different connection mode, so that's not included in this driver yet... but may be possible?)


Thank you! I have a zwave remote with a theater mode and we use our PS4 for this, so this was the last step for our setup.

I realize this post is almost 2 years old, but wanted to leave this here in case you or anyone else chooses to set a poll interval of 0.

I found that, since the input type was text, a setting of 0 still scheduled a 1 minute polling. I think this is because the evaluation whether the value was between 0 or 60 needed a number. If I changed the input type to number then it skipped that cron setting section, which was seemingly what was intended in the code.

I guess another way would be to use some sort of inline conversion like toInteger.

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