Hi everyone,
Far from creating a turmoil among the community and Hubitat itself, I'd like to propose that we, developers, if it has not been done before, kind of demand from Hubitat to provide proper developer documentation.
On October/2018 was announced a new home for HE documentation (Hubitat Elevation Documentation Wiki Announcement), but it is, IMHO, insufficient in terms of developer needs. I frequently have to search for SmartThings documentation to find out how to do things, and I think it is a far from ideal situation.
As an example of insufficient documentation, I took a snapshot of one page of the documentation wiki:
Honestly, can a newbie easily understand what is a HubAction object? Maybe looking at the parameters it's possible to infer the purpose of a HubAction object. Infer ... that's not good, don't you all agree?
I know that every language/environment has its own learning curve - some with a soft slope, some steep one. However, I've never found an environment with a learning curve so steep that it looks like the Everest! The community is a great help - thanks, sherpas, I mean, guys! - but sometimes I see similar questions asked repeatedly, mostly because of lacking of proper documentation from Hubitat.
I know that it could be a community and Hubitat joint endeavour. Today we see that collaboration is a powerful tool, a win-win situation. However, in this specific case I have some points against it:
Consistency: it's prone to lack of consistency, since different people has different writing styles, different backgrounds, and some, as in my case since English is not my mother language, sometimes it can compromise the quality of the text;
Comprehensiveness: I believe that it's difficult to create a comprehensive documentation from the developers' side; sometimes we can infer from our experience (here we are again, infer ...) what the to be documented item do and not know deeply what it do;
Ownership: HE is a Hubitat's product. Hubitat profits from it and from our work. Not that profiting it is a bad thing, no, it's not. I'm sure that the community agrees that we want that Hubitat thrives and gets stronger and stronger and gets even more market share. We also have a huge investment here, and we want to "profit" from this investment using HE for a long time. However, if Hubitat presents us a comprehensive developers documentation, everybody wins: we, who could be more productive in our developments, and Hubitat, since we enrich their powerful platform with our developments. Win-Win!
Well, that's the idea ... I'd like to hear from the community.
Peace and health for everybody.