Wish I had the time to do this in Groovy / natively...
But for now- I'll run this on a raspberry pi and have it interact with Hubitat via the Maker API.
Sets lock codes to the last 4 digits of a guest phone number and also changes the mode at your defined check in time.
Deletes the code and changes the mode at your defined check out time.
Requires nodejs and ideally something like pm2 to keep it running full time.
Oooh.... That could be good. While I wouldn't use it for Air b&b, I would use it for letting people into my house while were gone and service people...
This is awesome my wife and I are starting our first experiment with AIRBNB, and I did not want to have to pay 40.00-100.00 a month to give a remote code, Thank you for putting so much work into this. would this work with Kwikset zwave locks or just Schlage locks?
This has been running on a pi at my airbnb for several months now, working great. I have no idea if anyone else is using it, would be great to get additional feedback!
I have 10 STR's and I need a solution since the deprecation of Groovy and RBoy's demise. This has inspired me and I am going to give a shot setting up my locks on the Hubitat. Would you mind sharing with me the exact model of raspberry pi you would recommend for this? I assume the locks/hardware and extender/repeaters I used previously should still be functional here. What other hardware is required for implementation. Thanks in advance for your help!