If anyone is interested in this, I got some basic stuff working using HTTP calls through PostMan, which could be easily translated to a driver / app in HE. This just sets two similar colours across two zones on the LED strip around the mousepad. I would send a 1 or 0 depending on whether I want this effect on (1), or the lighting turned off (0). I'd like to look at more complicated lighting effects eventually, then try and tie this in with other automations, such as turning the lights off when I go to bed and maybe when I am working from home.
The example was built using SS's notes here.
The Setup
1. Register the "Game"
HTTP POST: http:// < IP of PC > : < SS Engine Port > /game_metadata
"game": "LIGHTING",
"game_display_name": "Smart Lighting",
"developer": "sburke781",
"deinitialize_timer_length_ms": 60000
2. Register Game Event
HTTP POST: http:// < IP of PC > : < SS Engine Port > /register_game_event
"game": "LIGHTING",
"event": "ON_OFF",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 100,
"icon_id": 0,
"value_optional": false
3. Bind Game Event
HTTP POST: http:// < IP of PC > : < SS Engine Port > /bind_game_event
"game": "LIGHTING",
"event": "ON_OFF",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 1,
"handlers": [
"device-type": "indicator",
"zone": "one",
"color": {
"red": 255,
"green": 24,
"blue": 0
"mode": "color"
"device-type": "indicator",
"zone": "two",
"color": {
"red": 255,
"green": 24,
"blue": 0
"mode": "color"
Activating the Game Event
4. Game Event
HTTP POST: http:// < IP of PC > : < SS Engine Port > /game_event
"game": "LIGHTING",
"event": "ON_OFF",
"data": {
"value": 1
5. Heartbeat (Optional)
HTTP POST: http:// < IP of PC > : < SS Engine Port > /game_heartbeat
"game": "LIGHTING"