What type of Unifi controller are you using and what did you select for the Unifi Controller Type Preference? Many newer controllers (or versions) will need to be set to Unifi Dream Machine even if they are not one. But it is possible to have other controllers and need to use the other method. It looks like you had Unifi Dream Machine (from the log snippet) but need to be sure.
Are you able to get to your Unifi Controller's webpage normally? The first log entry appears to have been a timeout when it tried to reach the IP entered. This typically only happens if it cannot reach that IP at all.
Ok, you have the same controller I have and we are running the same network version... So there should not be any issues there.
The next thing I would check is whether you have any odd specialty characters in the account name or password you are using. I seem to recall someone hitting an issue with Hubitat and some password characters. I cannot recall if it was this driver or my Protect one (pretty sure it was not my Connect one).
Presence check cannot be controlled unfortunately, because it is running pretty frequently and it is set to be automatic. If you have 5 or less MACs it checks every minute. If you have 6 to 10 (the max I allow) it does it every other minute. The whole purpose with those is to keep it very up-to-date but try to avoid overloading the controller with requests.
If you have something you just need a general check on, there is the ClientCheck feature that will monitor up to 20 MACs but only checks them once per hour.
With the new UI, when you define devices, does the driver have any control over the icons chosen? WIFI APs have a generic icon, but there is several WIFI icons available.
No, it does not appear to. I asked the Hubitat team during the beta and it is something they will look into. It is not even clear if there is an order or such of what icons it chooses from. Some of my devices have very strange selections.
Checked previous messages here on how to handle that and it did not provide anything conclusive. One user had an issue but had setup a firewall rule locally to block some types of access. I haven't done that so unless something is installed by default then I don't think this is the issue.
Thanks - I could not figure out how to create a user on my UDM Pro with userid/password. But then realized if you change the user type to "restrict to local access" then it changes the user requirement from a ui.com email to userid/password. And now I am connected.