[PROJECT] Driver for Blink API

Yup, this is the new one. I am adding support in right now. I did not realize it would be different from the previous mini. Since I have one, it should be soon.

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Updated Version(s):

  • BlinkAPI.groovy = 0.5.21


  • Support for new Mini cameras (hawks) added in. These will otherwise be treated as MiniCameras and use that child driver.
  • Note added that Rosie devices (mini pan/tile mount) are known, but left as a generic child device because there is no control available.

Works as expected! Thx!

Temperatures seems to be off. Blink app says 31C and tile in Hubitat 1.66C. Same goes for all those outdoor mini cameras. Not using 0.5.21, but one earlier

Nothing temperature related has changed in a long time... This is with the new Mini camera? My new mini (and old one) do not report temperature at all. Looking at logging for them, Owls (original or the new Hawk model) do not have the "Signals" data block that temperature is within when data is from the refresh command (which is most of the time). The minis (either) also do not allow for the GetCameraInfo command... so I am not sure where it got ANY temperature data.

Does it change (at all) when you do a refresh? Maybe your API server responds with different data than mine...

Do you have any other cameras besides the minis?

I have doorbell and those old minis. No logs or events on single cameras. Strange. Those seem to stay the same even after refresh. Values are propably from late winter? Same thing with my two setups at different locations.
I’ve been following temperatures on those before, so it has reported temps. Maybe api has changed.

  • Driver Name : BlinkChild-SyncModule
  • Driver Status : New patch 0.1.2 available
  • Driver Version : 0.1.1

Going to BlinkChild-SyncModule in Apps Code

// Returns the driver version
def DriverVersion(){
return "0.1.2"

  • Driver Name : BlinkChild-Camera
  • Driver Status : New patch 0.1.6 available
  • Driver Version : 0.1.5

BlinkChild-Camera from Apps Code

// Returns the driver version
def DriverVersion(){
return "0.1.6"

Installed via HPM. Tried HPM repair which redownloaded and installed (apparently successfully), same result. Rebooted hub, same result. Everything appears to work correctly. so . . .

Is this expected? Any suggestions if not?

You will need to Save Preferences on those children to wipe those out. I switched those attribute names to ones that removed the spaces, but it does not remove the old ones until you Save Preferences.

I see what you're saying. Thanks for your reply. No need to respond to info below. It's FYI.

Save Preference removed "Driver Version" from Current States on both Blink-Child-* pages but "Driver Status" remains for me.

"Driver Status" is also still floating around in the State Variables section of all devices (as well as "Driver Name" and "Driver Version" for BlinkChild-Network).

Arg! I made that mistake when I was getting rid of them originally... I have so many drivers and copied that mistake to all. I thought I had cleaned them back up but must have missed the Blink children. Sorry. Adding it to the list of things when I get back home next week...

Updated Version(s):



  • Relatively minor update, but I found that ALL of my Blink drivers did not have at least SOMETHING correct about the DriverName, DriverStatus, and DriverVersion attributes. These three replaced the previous ones that had spaces in their names. In all cases the "Driver Status" attribute was not getting removed but in some cases there were other oddities... so I cleaned them all up. Saving Preferences on a child device will now clear out the old attributes and replace them with the new ones.

Thanks for the tweaks, maybe one more? :wink:
I notices a piston failing so I had a look at the guts and it turned out my Blink sytem went into Unauthorized; it has been very solid for a long time.
I whipped up a piston to do an Auth and notify me if this happens.
I don't see a var to get "Authorized" so I used status.
It says ACTIVE atm but I assume it changes to something else if an Unauth happens so I can trigger on that?

PS Maybe all this was just because you pushed an update?

The driver update should not have affected it since it did not change any existing states that the authorizations rely on. I am testing having added an "Authorized" attribute... so maybe this will be solved soon. The driver is designed to automatically reauthorize on a regular (and configurable in Preferences) basis (the default 12 hours seems to work for most people, but some have needed differences and it used to be 24 hours).

Thanks for having a look.
The reauth has always worked so maybe Blink blinked. :grin:

Alexa gets the notification immediately.

The best way to monitor for motion events in Blink is to create virtual switches (button type) in Hubitat. Then go into your Alexa app and set up an action that pushes the button when the camera detects motion. Then inside Hubitat set up an automation on that button being pressed.

If you don't care what camera detects the motion, you can just make one virtual button for all of them. If you want different things to happen depending on the camera you will need to make one for each.

I just broke down and ordered a Hue outdoor motion; not here yet. :frowning:
I don't use Alexa or have any of Amazons devices; Google gets jealous. :slight_smile:
If the Hue works, great, otherwise I will have to employ my non-existant Alexa skills to remedy the situation.
I was using IFTTT but I'm not sure I ever tested to see it that triggered every time.

Don't actually need one to use the integration to Amazon's cloud.

Is there a driver for the Blink Mini?

It uses the BlinkChild-MiniCamera driver but you need to install the parent too

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I've looked through this and if the answer is there I just can't find it. I want to disable motion detection on one camera when the sprinklers run to avoid tons of alerts. I can do this manually with the child device for that one camera. I just can't figure out how to do it in a rule (RM). A screen shot or sample would be very helpful.
