[PROJECT] Driver for Blink API

I tried some things a while back and did not get the Device field to populate readily. After a bunch of attempts I decided against further trials because I did not want to spam the Blink servers with obviously invalid data.

Especially since the Device Name field seems to work well enough for those that want it.

I've gotten 4 emails today from Blink asking me to verify my account, as others above have. I did manage to enter one of the codes in the phone app and I thought that would quiet things down. Nope, got an email shortly after the BlinkAPI "Daily Check" in Hubitat was performed. I have my device name filled in and that was correctly returned in the email.

So, Device Name alone no longer seems to keep the Blink people happy.

I checked and I have gotten a couple more now also. Everything is working while ignoring them though... So I am not sure.

I am trying a couple additional items (besides Client Name) being passed to it. But I am not able to FORCE a PIN email because my system is already authorized. So I just have to see what comes back (part of the problem when I was originally doing this).

Blink definitely made changes to their API (as evidenced by the new fields coming back) but obviously there is no way to know entirely what changed behind the scenes.


We need a Blink spy on their dev team. :slight_smile:

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It would really have been nice if Blink had published their API as they promised they would in the Kickstarter... Alas, it did not happen. Being owned by Amazon now, a company just KNOWN for their transparency... I cannot even finish that one without choking.

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I'm getting that PIN email too. Can I force the daily check somehow to get the PIN email again? I never seem to catch it within 40 minutes.

Edit: nevermind, I saw the reply from @snell that said he can't force it. :frowning:

Yes, it cannot be forced if your system is already authenticated/working. There are some other posts out there (not Hubitat) that seem to be bringing up similar issues. There seems to be an opinion this is actually a Blink problem.

Is anyone not actually able to get their system working?

I got several pin verification emails from blink, testet system arm/disarm and no new email "verify pin", last was 13:01 today. Seems to work OK.

But sometimes the emails have been delayed, so I dont want to yell yiha yet :slight_smile:

I still get those email but I don't verify the pin anymore (last one I verified was thursday) and my system works fine.

Ok. If the system is working, ignore the emails (unless you really do see something "fishy" in one). But right now it is starting to look more like something strange on their end.


:frowning: emails is still popping in.

tried to authorize, entered new pin from email.

Logs says : 021-01-31 11:55:09.153 infoBlink - Not verified, will not run daily check.

System disarms/arms still.

I wonder if the reauthorization every 12 hours is still necessary. Maybe blink change something about that. The e-mail says:

If the code is not entered, access to your account from the device will not be granted.

But it still works without entering the code. It must mean previously granted access is still in effect. (I'm guessing)

By the way, my device field and name are blank so these seems to be irrelevant, whitch contradict what the e-mail is stating.

Very confusing.

I would not recommend trying to authorize and doing the pins from their emails they are sending. If your system is working, I would leave it as is. The system has already been authorized and has a good token if it is working.

Yes, the device field is one I have been unable to figure out (how to populate). The name CAN be populated and is an optional preference field.

Just wondering if anyone else has been able to view the RTSP stream on a Blink XT2 camera. Whenever I try to get a live stream, the URL I get back looks like this: LiveView RTSP : immis:// I'm not sure what protocol immis is or how to use it.

On a different (and potentially worrying) note, I got a notice from Blink that they are going to be implementing SMS 2-Step Verification. I do not know how that will impact the driver yet (if at all) but I will try to do it in the near future to see if there is any impact.


@snell, So I updated to versions 0.2.9 & 0.1.11, then I started to get an email from blink every 12 hours with a new verification PIN. I would put it in the Blink App, and click verify PIN and nothing would happen. I updated to 0.2.10 and 0.1.12 this morning and the same thing is still happening. Very strange. Prior to 0.2.9 I did not have an issue with getting multiple verification PIN emails.

All that being said, I am still able to arm/disarm the system and enable/disable motion detection on individual cameras.

Nothing changed with regard to the authorization section in the latest versions, but this has started for everyone. Really have no idea what is going on although I am definitely leaning towards it being a Blink thing. Maybe some changes preemptive of their new SMS verification?

If your system is working there is no need to do anything even if you get the PIN email.

I'm getting errors suddenly as well as emails. Things appear to still be working although they seem much less stable. My gut was tell me to leave it alone and deal with it if it stops working.

Any idea if this will still work when 2FA is enforced? Received an email today from Blink about it.

I added my phone nr under my account and the account was changed to 2FA,

The driver started to log

Blink - Unauthorized, attempted and nothing worked.

I pushed Authorize, and recieved an SMS code, entered this into PIN and pushed.

Recived in log
Blink - Not verified, will not run daily check.

But Arm/Disarm works again :slight_smile: