Project - Active RFID arrival sensor

I was looking for Active RFID Reader/Tags to use them as a Home Arrival sensors.
Why active?
Because I am to...o lazy to pull something out frome my pocket, to push buttons, etc.
Finally I found what I was looking for. This is actually a door opening kit for dogs:

But in fact this is nothing more than Active RFID Reader/Tags.
Price from Autoslide is $315 but I found a brand new unopened kit just for $160
on eBay. This is not too bad for the Tag Reader and 2 Active Tags. Kit arrived today
and I aready tested it. It needs 12V DC power supply and the output is dry contact
relay. What could be better? It will be wired to the Zigbee Door Sensor and resulting
device will be Hubitat ready "Zigbee Active RFID Home Arrival Sensor".
Tested range is about 4ft as advertised. This is OK for my intended use case which
is "Atomatic Door Unlocking and Opening ". And it will be replacement for the currently
used BLE Beacons. Beacons are working perfectly fine but they are unsecured.
These RFIDs are secure.


That's some out of the box coolness right there.

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UPDATE (If anybody is interested).

Semi-DYI Active RFID project is complete and installed.
RFID Sensor is presented as Contact Sensor because Sonof Zigbee Door Contact Sensor is used
to provide status of a dry contact relay output to the HE.
Sensitivity could be fine tuned to 3, 6 or 9ft distance. It works through the wall with about the
same sensitivity.

Here is a picture of used parts:
-- Two Active RFID Tags;
-- RFID Reader (with covers off);
-- Sonof Contact Sensor with de-soldered batter holder and reed switch;
-- Linear Regulator 12V-to-3.3V (it used to power on Zigbee Sensor);

And here is a picture of assembled device (without cover):


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