Problems with Remotec ZRC-90US

Does anyone else use the Remotec ZRC-90US and are having connection issues with it? Since maybe update .124 maybe mine has lost connection I have excluded and tried to reinclude like 30 times with no luck it says it's connected but no button presses will work.

@biggkatt01 ever get this working correctly?

Sorry to waking a dead thread, but I have been working with this device over the weekend and it works great with HE. I was able to program buttons to control lights, downdraft outlet, Sonos music, and more. Push, Double Tap, and Held work for all buttons supplying 24 "buttons" in all.

The white case looked horrible in the kitchen so I had to give it a quirk spray, now it looks great! Working on a second one for my office. Highly recommend it.

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No I gave up on it, it wasn’t that it wouldn’t connect it’s that it would drop connection after a while and won’t control anything and I would disconnect and reconnect and is still wouldn’t work correctly. I’m happy it’s working good for you keep you fingers crossed.