Problems with Hub Variables

I'm not sure if I have the same bug.
I'm trying to delete some global variables (from the settings panel).
Both the word "delete" and the garbage can, will not work to delete a global variable.

Browser: Chrome on Windows
Version: C-7 on

Whoa, I don't know how you got a mixed screen like that. Very strange. I can't reproduce it, although there is one possibility in the code.

You didn't show enough in your screenshot or provide enough information about what you actually did. There is a confirmation that comes up below the table, outside your screenshot. The Delete could only shows up for a Hub Variable that is in use by an app and has a connector, so presumably you clicked on the trash can???

I'm sorry, it was outside the screenshot, that a confirmation did appear (that's why I didn't see it).

Personally, I don't care if some lines were DELETE and some are garbage can, as long as it works the same way.

It's also supposed to auto-scroll to the bottom of the page so you DO see it. I take it that did not happen?

Nope , it didn't.

I had a large number of hub variables.

That's why it's supposed to scroll to bottom. Does it scroll to bottom when you change a number or string variable value? That too happens at the bottom.

Yes, that did scroll to the bottom.

That's odd, as there is only a single line of code involved, and it applies to every circumstance where the table gets shaded out as shown in your screenshot. It can't do one without the other. So my guess is some browser glitch, or something you did to undo the scroll. Perhaps another mouse click?

It definitely did not auto scroll to the bottom when I hit the DELETE or the garbage can. That's why I missed it. I thought it wasn't doing anything.

I guess I'll have to drag out my PC to check Chrome on Win10.

Ah, doesn't work for me in any context on Chrome/Win10. Works fine on all Mac browsers... We'll find out why.


Further oddities associated with Hub Variables:
Chrome on windows 10:
In the following screenshot, the first hub variable is a different colour and is clickable, the second is not. Also, that means that the second hub variable, cannot be renamed:

I have noticed that the variable names in the list that are referenced in RM (probably Dashboards too) are clickable. The ones that are not used anywhere are not clickable.

Clicking on them just shows you at the bottom where they are used. So I think this is acceptable and a nice indication of when they are not used anywhere.

I am just trying to understand what you expected vs the way it is now.

Even if they aren't used, how do I rename them if I can't click on them?

Ah. I forgot that i read that renaming was now supported. I haven’t tried that yet.

I've just deleted and created new variables when I wanted to change the name. If it isn't used anywhere, it doesn't leave any detritus in applications.

You can't rename them in that case. If they aren't used in any app what would be the point of renaming it? You might as well just remove the one you don't want and create a new one.


How is "in use" defined?

I have a Hub Variable that is being used by an App but it isn't clickable:

The app needs to register it’s usage of the variable for it to show up on the variables page.

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It looks like the use of %variable% in HTTP Get action isn't getting picked up for the in-use check. I will look into that, as it should be picked up.

Update: This one fixed for next release. HTTP actions were missed.