Problems with Alexa intergration

C7 on the latest software update. I was having issues with Alexa reporting "waiting for Hubitat" and devices could not be controlled from Alexa.

Restarted Hubitat - no change

Tried unblinking Hubitat integration in Alexa and relinking... now Alexa is reporting "Unable to link account with Alexa"

Is anyone else having issues? Is the issue on Alexa or Hubitat's side? It appears Alexa can not communicate with Hubitat's servers.

Working perfectly fine here.

It took about 2 dozen tries, but I finally connected and got it working again.

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I've noticed a major degradation over the past few weeks, but mostly this is with Node-Red integration and voice commands. I'm sure they "improved" something at the mother ship at Amazon. Haven't had an issues specific to Hubitat and Alexa as far as I know.