Problems after update

Since updating to version on c7 I have been experiencing problems. Some outlets would not respond and I was not able to swap devices until I did a reboot. The logs showed them as working . I still have some bulbs that have lost the capability to change colour. Not all my devices were affected but some still are as I discover them. Any one else had this problem or know of a remedy. T.I.A.

I think it would be best to provide a little more detail on at least one of the issues you are seeing, such as:

What make/model are the device(s) involved, including the protocol used (Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, etc)?
What driver are you using for the devices?
What Events are you seeing (or not seeing), accessible through the Event button at the top of the Device Details page for the device)?
What automation apps are you using the devices in? E.g. Rule Machine, Simple Rules, Room Lighting, etc?
If you turn on logging for the devices and the apps involved what do you see?

Posting screenshots of any or all of these can be helpful, in particular the App setup screens and any logs.

It may also pay to read through this post:


Watching and waiting for more info, then might be able to help.

I pudated to 2 days ago and soon after noticed that a few of my sonoff S26R2ZB outlet plugs were not working, b ut the logs showed that they were working, see below portion of rule showing app for said outlet

I also noticed the on off switch in the device page would not work

Also I tried operating the outlet from the dashboard which showed the oultlet turning on and off but nothing was happening. I did try to do the device swap but this did not work either which I wanted to do as there were a lot of apps working on this outlet. I did manage to get the device working after I rebooted the hub.
I then tried to get the not working outlet working, to do this I had to remove the device and then re pair the device and it then worked ok, I have several of these sonoff outlets that have been working fine for the last 3 years but only 2 of them stopped working after the update.
I also have a few light bulbs that have stopped changing colour

The bulbs do turn on and off but will not change colour, the log shows a colour change

I have got one of them working by again removing the device and then re pairing them so will carry this oot with the remaining bulbs of which the make I cannot remember and is not shown on the bulbs.
I noticed these events after the update so have assumed it was the update that caused this, but this may not be the case???

These all sound like Zigbee devices. Why are you removing them from the hub? All you probably needed to do was reset the device and pair it again. Zigbee devices will re-connect to the same device in the hub and then keep on chugging like they were before. You should only ever remove a zigbee device if you are not adding it back again. Sometimes Zigbee devices get disconnected, usually they come back on their own, sometimes not though.

I doubt the update caused any of these. Something could be going on with the Zigbee mesh. One possible solution would be to shut the hub down for 20+ minutes so all the devices go into panic mode. Then when the hub comes back up they should all re-join and sometimes this will solve mesh issues.

What version did you update FROM?


Updated from version 144, I did try resetting and re pairing devices but they would not pair. So I removed them and then re paired them

I have seen this issue on my C8 in the past w/some of my Zigbee devices, and found that remove/re-pair was the only way to get the to rejoin the hub.


So are you still having issues or did you get it sorted out by pairing them again?

I am having this same issue but with a bunch of Z-wave devices. Everything has been working flawlessly in the past, but many are not responding now. When I go to Settings---Z-Wave Details, all of my devices are listed. I have 118 Z-wae devices, before this last update, I could see the route of each device, all were connected - usually directly to my C8 Hub. Now, only 28 of my 118 Devices show a "route" in the Z-wave Details table.
There is not consistency on devices that lost connection, meaning it's not just Zooz Devices, motion, etc. I can remove and re-add, but that feels like a huge pain, especially with Alexa Integrations, Homekit integartions, rules, etc.

Does anyone know of a better way? I do have auto-cloud backup to Hubitat that I pay for, maybe Ill try to restore to a previous version.

Do a shut down and pull power for 10+ seconds then power back up. This will allow the zwave radio to fully power down and restart. That usually will fix zwave issues like this.

Awesome, Thank you! That worked!
I feel like I should have known this with literally hundreds of smart home devices. I power cycled the hub a few times but didn't wait for 10+ seconds. Seems obvious now, just didn't click in my brain. I thought I was facing an afternoon of adding/removing Z-wave devices and fixing rules. I love these forums. Thanks again!

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Not surprising that it wasn't totally clear, rebooting seems like it should be the same as shutting down and restarting, but the radios need a full shut down/pull power. Just note it for potential future needs. :slight_smile:

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I wonder if it would be possible to include the restarting of the radios as an option for a restart... :thinking: Like the database cleanup...

I thought the issue was they needed a power pull for the radio to fully shut down, out of HE control, but ???

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That's what I'm wondering, whether that would be possible to control during a restart... Probably not .. just throwing it out there...