Problem with Modes

I setup on my new C7 over a month ago. At that time, I configured four Modes (Day, Evening, Night, Sleep) along with Away. The C7 was switching Modes correctly based on my config (see below). Then around 2 weeks ago, I shut down my C7 due to some remodel work. Well this past weekend, I powered up my C7 and now the Modes will go from Day to Evening but will not switch to Night. Then even stranger, it will then switch from Evening to Sleep (skipping Night); I've rebooted the C7 thinking that might resolve the issue. I've tried making a few minor changes to the Mode config (like having Night switch at -1 from Sunset) without success. I'm looking for anyone who can provide suggestions or assist with diagnosing why my Night Mode is not being selected.

Mine did this, I had to update the time on my hub, Go to hub details and check the time is right,if not click update from web.

@Mazza ... thanks for the suggestion. I did as you instructed and the time is correct as well as the Sunrise and Sunset times are correct. In either case, I did click to sync time with browser to see if that has any effect.

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