Problem with cloud URLs after upgrading to C8 Pro from C7

After upgrading to C8 I have 2 Maker API cloud URLs that are showing the local URLs and I am unable to to send POST command as I previously was. I found some suggestions related to setting the IP to DHCP (did not work), verifying outbound DNS queries (no issues there). I created a new second instance of Maker IP and get the same results. Anyone seen this issue or have any suggestions?

Updated to latest version before migrating:

New hub is your token the same?

Yes, token is the same.

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I just realized you may have been referring to the hub API token - no, it is different. My access token remains the same.

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Knowing what actually happens when you try would be helpful. Do you get a specific error?

The hub ID is going to be different between the two hubs, even after a successful migration. So, anything you have using the "old" cloud URL is going to have to change, though the rest should remain the same. (The hub ID is the part after api/ in your screenshot). Did you change this, and does it match with the hub ID you see in Settings > Hub Details?

Also, can your hub reach the Internet? Try pinging a domain name (not IP address) from Settings > Network Setup > Network Test to see what the output is as one way to verify.

My apologies, I thought I had submitted a reply here earlier.

After changing my URL with the new HUB ID in the string and is working as expected. I incorrectly assumed it was due to the two URLs pointing to local IP instead of the Hubitat domain like the others.

Thanks for your help!

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