Problem adding tiles to hubitat dashboard

I added virtual devices such as virtual presence sensors. I need to add these devices to the hubitat dashboard. When i click the + on the top right of the window, many of my devices arent showing up to select for the dashboard. I click on anything in the category window, but the top window of choices doesnt change. I tried it on my android phone and on my wifes apple phone. Both gave the same results. Anyone esle having problems creating or modifying a dashboard? Or have any tips to what i might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you have not authorized the new device(s) for use with that Dashboard. To do this:

  1. Launch the admin UI for your hub (e.g., go its IP address in a web browser; the mobile app is not necessary for this, though it can help you find it if you don't know).

  2. Go to "Apps" on the left-side menu. (Note: "Apps," not "Dashboards.")

  3. Under "Hubitat Dashboard" in the apps list, find the Dashboard in question, then click/tap its name to open that Dashboard app.

  4. You can probably figure it out from here, but if not: select any devices you want under "Choose Devices," then hit "Done" to save your settings. It is recommended to choose only the devices you are using on your Dashboard (due to overhead that may be incurred from the Dashboard "listening" to device events it doesn't need to care about if you aren't actually using them).


Wow, i never new you had to do this. This worked and i can add tiles to my dashboard now. What a great forum. Thank you all so much.

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Don't add ALL you devices to any particular dashboard, just the ones you need otherwise things will slow wayyyy down.