
This is one pretty thermostat. Works well!


Which thermostat is it?

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I guess it's a secret. But it is pretty LOL

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It reads Sinope on the front, perhaps that's a clue.

I have to agree it does look better than most I've seen. However I still don't see why they are so large. Every time I see a photo of it I wonder if the upper left is a tree or cloud.




Sinope T1300ZB... Bought two of them, For floor heat in Master and 2nd floor main bath

I'm looking at doing this as well as I have a bathroom that came with an old SunTouch SunStat Non-Programmable Dial Control 500710-SC.

Do you mind sharing what you replaced and how they are working so far?

It will easily replace a suntouch. I didn't replace one though. The floor is a new installation. (been building a house). I used LuxHeat wire. The sinope is pretty much compatible with any electrical floor heat in 120 or 220v configs. They also can be physically daisy chained. Pairing to HE was a breeze and easy to set all the config functions up via HE instead of directly on the thermostat itself. Quite happy with it.


Awesome, thank you for that.

I just pulled the trigger with an order. Will be interesting to see how long shipping takes directly from them.

On a side-note there is an active thread on this device here going on as well.

Really curious, @rlithgow1 - What kind of automations do you have set up for this device?

Mainly scheduler to lower the heat in the evenings and raise it in the morningsbefore showering to coincide with the temp reading on the ambient temp of the bathroom (ambient temp is read by using a motion sensor above the door that triggers a dim strip light under the vanity from 11-to sunup ).

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Grrrr.... a zigbee floor thermostat... Now I really want one....thanks couldn't have waited until after christmas to post this??!! :thinking: :grinning:


image HA HA!

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