Presence Sensing

I have a C7 hub actually I have two both running I have one hub at a vacation rental I have and the other one at my home. The one at the VR was the first one I setup. I use my IPhone 15 for presence sensing. I just set the hub up at my home and tried to use my IPhone in the same way. The problem is it shows I’m not present. I go to the geofence map and it has my home hub at my VR location. So I move the pin to the correct location and everything on my homes dashboard is correct now. So I switch to the VR hub and look at the geofence map and now it shows my VR hub at my home’s location. So I guess my question is, how do you get two pins on the geofence map, or how do I keep the hubs separated on the map?

  • Create a Contact with the physical address of the location.
  • In Home or Shortcuts, Automation, create a new Automation (+) and click Arrive.
  • Tap Location: Choose and pick the newly created Location.

The rest is the same as your original Home automations, one for each event (Arrive, Leave). That includes creating another Virtual Presence + Switch in HE for the new location used within the Apple Automations.

You can get a notification for either/both Locations.

Having various Locations in your Contacts list is the Key. :slight_smile:


Are you doing this through the HE mobile app or through HomeKit. I think @csteele is talking about using HomeKit.

If the HE app, what app version?

Also, HomeKit is probably going to be the way to solve it, by sharing some virtual switches to HK and flipping them on and off. You will need a Home Hub though for it to work (Homepod or ATV).


Pretty easy to do this in Locative also which has been rock solid for me. After several years of heart break with HE App and HomeKit presence flakiness, I have had no issues with presence using Locative.

It's a bit tricky to setup and when you get a new Hub, it's 3 levels of hell and fun to set up again... but generally it has solved all my problems and made my wildest dreams come true**.

**Presence dreams only


I am using the HE app version 1.3.2

I dont think the app, new 2.x beta or old can handle multiple locations for geofencing.
Your easiest solution might be to use HomeKit with some virtual switches. There is probably a write up on it floating around on the forums somewhere. There is a special virtual switch driver with presence built in that you can share to Homekit.

Do you already have at least one Homepod or Apple TV on your apple account?

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This app supports presence at multiple home locations...

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Yes, I have Apple TV

Were you able to add a 2nd Location via Contacts and create Automations for it?

I don't think they have anything setup for HK presence yet.

I know there are some guides around but it is pretty easy.

Create a new virtual device on the hub using Virtual Presence with Switch, you can name it something like " Presence" or whatever you want really.

If you are not using it already, install the system App, HomeKit Integration. HomeKit Integration | Hubitat Documentation

Share the new virtual switch via that integration. You will need to add the HK bridge to your Home app on your Phone, etc....

Once that is all setup you can create automations in the Home app that flips that switch on and off based on your location.

Re-read the OP. :smiley: :smiley: He's got it working for both places AS LONG AS HE MOVES THE PIN. The goal was to have two pins. That isn't exactly how it's done. One doesn't drop pins, you add locations and the pin identifies where that location lands.

He has all of HomeKit setup and working, He just needs guidance on how to get a "2nd pin" -- assuming I'm reading that post correctly.

I asked if they were using the HE app or Homekit and they said the HE app 1.3.2 :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging:
No where did they say it was with HomeKit.
Need to wait for OP to respond with more clear information.

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