Presence issue

Disclaimer before I get started. My hub constantly slows down and has been nothing but a headache since September. So this issue may or may not be related. The hub was not "slowed" when this happened

I have a rule that opens my garage door and turns on some lights when my wife or I get home. A few times in the past two weeks it has just opened after we've been home. Each time I've checked the log it has been her phone triggering the rule. The garage door did not open for her when she got home, but did so 30 minutes later. When I look at life 360 it has her "home since" the correct time so her phone and app are working correctly. I had actually checked the app when she was in the neighborhood because I was downstairs and needed to come up and help unload the car when she got home. It had her on the street right before she got home.

Any ideas? I do have the life360 refresh going

The connection between L360 and hubitat can be temperamental.
Must of us use a combination of methods to control presence.

I use SmartThings presence sensors, L360, ‘Locative’ (ios) to ‘combine’ my presence into a single virtual presence device that I use in all my apps etc as my presence.
I also have ST presence sensors in my cars, converted to run on AA batteries (which last about 2 years!) so if you each have a car that you exclusively drive you can add that into the mix

There also some pple using ‘wifi’ presence to add some reliability



I use a combination of Hubitat App, WiFi presence and Alexa App presence (via virtual switch) combined with Presence Governor.