Post reboot memory issue? C8

@bobbyD @bcopeland @support-agent @gopher.ny @bravenel I can’t find anyone else reporting this this, and it might be an edge case, but I thought I’d report it it just in case.

After my C8 came back from a reboot this morning (triggered by free ram dropping below 200MB), it came back up with even less ram free, which continued to drop rapidly until it got so low that the hub logged it, and was pretty slow to respond.

I had to manually reboot it a second time to rectify the issue.

I don’t know if it’s related, but I’ve found that when I have the cloud backup failure, I need to reboot the hub after it comes back from the full power down sequence, as the hub will report severe load and not come good on its own.

I never just do a reboot...always a shutdown and power cycle. Reboots don't always tend to be the "clean start" they are intended to be.

When in doubt check out the Log :slight_smile: Looks like there is fire in the sky with your Echo Speaks and Tesla integrations. Making sure that lan connected devices are able to communicate with the hub would probably help.


I’m not sure why that is the case, the Tesla integration is on my secondary C7 and shared via Hub Mesh.

My Echo speaks server is on a different VLAN, but I haven’t had any issues with my hubs talking to it since making the change to using an IoT VLAN a couple of months ago. My hubs use wired Ethernet and the hubs and comms gear are all on UPS power.