Post C8 migration sensor(s) problem

I am facing an issue i cannot seem to be able to resolve.

C7 to C8 migration went ok with the exception of my 8 Humidity/Temperature sensors.

They drop off the network as soon as I re “learn” them.

Changed the channel, changed the power, deleted the device, the driver, reloaded other drivers that would work, no dice.

The interesting thing is that they work “out of the box” on my C7 but not on the C8

Here is the device info:

Manufacturer: _TZ3000_8ybe88nf
Endpoint 01 application: 45
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0001,0003,0402,0405,0000
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: _TZ3000_8ybe88nf
Endpoint 01 model: TS0201
Endpoint 01 outClusters: 0003,0019,000A
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4

It worked on the c7 for more than a year, it drops off the C8 as soon as it’s found.

Any ideas?

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Is your old hub on?

It is not on. C7 is decommissioned.

Hmm. You didn't change the power settings on the zigbee radio did you? What channel is your zigbee radio on on the c8? What channel is your router on?

Router is on 11, C8 is on 20. Power is at 12. Pairing is done/attempted 10 inches away from the hub.

I switched channels and power and all the other 200 devices connected and are workin properly.

Put the router on 1 or 6 and the hub on 25

I changed the channels but i don’t see how that would be relevant as out of the plethora of zigbee devices, this sensor type is the only one that drops off almost instantly after pairing.
Also if i pair it with the C7 (different channel) it works/is stable.

If i use the same successful channel from the 7 on 8, it drops.

Well I was eliminating wifi interference as a cause (aqara sensors are prone)as well as making sure your old hub isn't on. Have you done a full factory reset on the devices? Perhaps @kkossev might have some insight into it. He is our resident Tuya guru.

I initially though of channels overlapping and i made sure those don’t interfere with each other.
In my troubleshooting attempts, i noticed that they only drop from the C8.

C7 had no issues keeping it connected, regardless of channel.

Location wise, the C8 replaced the physical location of the C7.

When I migrated from the C7 to C8, the working channel was retained/migrated, part of the migration process.

Everything synced with the C8 seamlessly except for these sensors…

They are identified when re-pairing is attempted, they report the initial measurements and then poof, gone.

Perhaps its a driver issue? @kkossev

Maybe a combination of C8 and driver ? As the same driver works on C7 ?

Problems w/Xiaomi/Aqara devices was mentioned as a potential unexpected "benefit" of the more effective antenna in the C-8. Here:

Were the leak sensors using a specific set of repeaters, possibly, that they like better han the HE hub?

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Aaaaah biscuits.

I do fear this might be the case with them too.
I’ll try to lower the power as I have a lot of Ikea repeaters too … but then, why did I buy the C8 for ?


Bragging rights with friends and relatives?

Don't know about you, but that's why I got mine. :smiley:

Z-wave performance improvements was why I wanted it, frankly, my Zigbee was already in good shape.


I’ll keep the C8 and upgrade my temp/humidity sensors. I’ll sell these with a C8 disclaimer :blush:

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If you can send one of these to Mike Maxwell, he may be able to identify and fix the problem.

My opinion is that this is not a driver problem. These should work with the inbuilt Generic Zigbee Temperature and Humidity driver. Or at least stay connected to HE and continue to send Zigbee report messages,

I could but I honestly already bought the Sonoff model (i have other Sonoff devices that have no problem with the C8).
They are monitoring room temperatures and they are part of a complex Hearing/Cooling system, based on individual room temperature.

It’s not a critical “outage”, but right now I don’t have monitoring.

I can wait for a few days to get the new ones. I don’t have the luxury of waiting a few weeks/month though for debugging or troubleshooting.

The Sonoff temperature and humidity sensor SNZB-02 is a good choice.
It is one of the few cheap Zigbee T/H sensors which follow the ZCL standards and allow precise configuration of the reporting periods and thresholds.

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Uh huh. My friends and relatives think I'm crazy as it is.


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