Possible to prompt for input then determine action based on response?

Hello hubitat community - question - I've been searching and haven't found, so I'll ask. Is there a way to have a rule prompt for input then have the action determined based on the response? For example, when everyone leaves home (based on presence), can hubitat send me a notification stating everyone is gone and do I want to switch to Away mode (yes/no), perhaps with a timeout for the response (with default action when no response is given prior to timeout)? Thanks!

There isnā€™t a built-in method to do this that I am aware of.

Hereā€™s one idea that might provide a similar result:

Have a Rule Machine rule that sends a Pushover message (would require purchasing a pushover license), which includes a Cloud End Point URL link that is a trigger for another rule. (I think pushover allows including a clickable link, though not 100% sureā€¦). The message could be to click the link to switch to away.

The rule triggered by the Cloud End Point URL would set the mode to Away.

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Gotcha - thanks very much for the input, I appreciate it. Maybe I'll request a new feature, if it hasn't already been requested. I can think of many examples where this would be a useful feature.

Yes, you can, sorta.

In your rule, as an action you can use "Wait for event" and then use a button or switch, or anything else as the trigger to continue the rule action. If you use conditional action with it, you can create conditions under which different triggers cause different actions.


That's true - thanks for the input. Ideally, for me, it'd be awesome to get an HE notification on my Apple watch where I could reply yes or no (or timeout to a predefined default action if I don't respond before the timeout).

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