Possible bug (or at least, irritation) in the device list

I just imported 65 devices from two Caseta hubs, and then paired another half dozen Zigbee and Z-Wave outlet switches. I named these devices {Room} {thing/area controlled/lit}, as in "Kitchen Island", "Kitchen Table", etc. I noticed when attempting to list everything sorted by room, all the Caseta devices are sorted, then the ZWave and Zigbee devices. I don't understand why the names aren't all in alphabetical order. Can this be fixed?

Also, the spacing between rows in the device list is doubled regardless of the screen space available, in order to show both the name and the label of each device. Couldn't it show this as "Name (label)" on one line, at least if there's horizontal space?


I have a combination of ZWave, Zigbee and Virtual devices. My device page has no grouping by radio type and all are in alphabetical order.

I know HE does not like commas in the device name, don't know if there are other characters one should stay away from.

Special characters typically are:

% $ : , . # < > / \ { } [ ] @ ' "`

Found it. I used the configuration list method, with lines that look like this:
d, 2, Basement kitchenette
s, 3, Warehouse ceiling

See the space after the comma between the ID and the name? Neither did I. :slight_smile:
All the Lutron device names start with a space and sort before everything else.

That's worth a warning on that page!

What would be really awesome is a parser to take the file the Lutron hub sends, extract the ID, Name, and device type info (if there's a way to get that- otherwise we'd need to fill in that column), so we wouldn't have to do that manually. :slight_smile:

Yep, on the list to be done for SmartBridge Pro.

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