Looks like the goal of that function is to get the Timezone. Perhaps Location Object - Hubitat Documentation would help? Maybe looking for other hubitat drivers that are doing things with timezone and hub location.
That, combined with altering below line worked. Mostly.
Now it's just a matter of figuring out why the "open" and "close" commands don't work. Throws an error in the log saying it's invalid... I assume I need to switch to "on" or "off", but unclear.
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_kurtsanders_Orbit_Bhyve_Sprinkler_Timer_642.open() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: on(), run(), off(), run(), grep(), main(java.lang.String) (open)
Ahhh... rereading the driver now. HE is just parsing the driver diff than ST. HE is seeing the capabilities as buttons to press, but you can't actually control the device from the driver, just see the status.
Just need to figure out why stripping all that out of the device driver didn't work to remove it all...
Button Presses are completely different in Hubitat than in ST. Any driver that uses the button capability from ST will have to have major re-work to work in Hubitat.
This also uses the HTTP GET command which is also very different in Hubitat than in ST.
Hi again @staze I had another look at this in the last couple of days and found that using websockets (unfortunately well outside my level of proficiency to implement) you can turn on the bhyve. While this can't be done natively on ST, I understand HE supports this functionality.
Any chance this could be implemented in your driver? I would prefer to have a direct driver but otherwise I'm content to do all this with through MQTT/node-red (which means having to install a separate MQTT gateway per Bill Church's app.)