[Port] Fibaro smoke sensor FGSD-002

hey guys I am having trouble to locate the smoke sensor in Amazon, do you have a picture or the specific model of it so I can find it? or the link of the place you got it from ? thanks

It's available on UK amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fibaro-Smoke-Sensor-Z-Wave-Detector/dp/B07FVTKWHX

Works great for me. Thank you @urbanski .

One side note , I needed to refresh/configure with the stock generic zwave smoke sensor driver first to get it working.

I'm using this sensor for a few months an I'm somehow confused. Once a few weeks it reports smoke but there's no smoke in my house. It looks like a false alarm. I've changed the sensivity to low and I hope that this will fix that issue.

I've noticed that sometimes happen when there is more than 30'C. Now it's not so hard to get this temperature under the ceiling.

Couple of my Fibaros says ( in the device page):

"#### State Variables

  • driverInfo : {ver=1.1.1, configSynced=false, status=Current version}
  • deviceInfo : {lastbatt=1611924993409}"

And rest of them:

State Variables

  • driverInfo : {ver=1.1.1, configSynced=true, status=Current version}
  • deviceInfo : {productId=4099, manufacturerName=Fibargroup, manufacturerId=271, lastbatt=1611910066675, productTypeId=3074}

Is there a way to force them to sync or how long do I have to wait that it happens?

@urbanski Is this driver not working anymore?

I just tried to use it with my device, but it looks quite weird. The Preferences look like this:

It seems like the parsing of the parameters doesn't really work and splits up the options in a separate tile.

And the state variables seem to not sync (I didn't wait more than 5 minutes though...):

Any idea if I'm doing something wrong or if it's simply an old driver that doesn't work any longer?


It still works but should be rewritten.
Parts of parameters never worked correctly.

I see that someone rewrites new version :slight_smile:



Hi, is this new driver fully functional? Am new to Hubitat and am concerned it will not work properly.

Hi all

I've got four of these, which have been working fine. I get the occasional false alarm with one, but think that's a devide issue rather than driver problem.

One thing that is bugging me is that one of them reports the temperature but none of the other three do, even though I'm using the same driver?

This one shows temp:

And has a different data entry:

Where as this one doesn't:

Any ideas?

Probably needs configure button press and after that press smoke sensor's button to receive latest configuration and update all capabilities.

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