[Port] Enhanced Z-Wave Thermostat (CT-100 w/ Humidity and Time Update)

1 parameterNumber
1 size
1 value

observe the display
if it doesn't turn try pressing a middle button

press Set Parameter

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I feel like the missing link. Obvious really.
:hugs: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me.

Did you make it?

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Ohh yeah. Really cool. Shame the driver does not have a few of these parameters set in place, like screen back light time out etc
I saw your document you linked earlier and I was trying to work out how to do it.
Some interesting parameters that can be set

Yeah.. but still there's z-wave tool.
Glad I could help.

Yeah thanks for all that, brilliant stuff.
I almost think I would like to turn of the thermostatic mode off and rely on external sensors in each of the rooms.
I'm planning on the temps sensors around the house which can ask of demand from my boiler and I can turn on/off TRV's per room and adjust the piston percentage according to the stats. I'm sure it's the Nirvana of everyone, still a lot to do before I get there

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