Please help me outsmart my 9-year-old using HE!

Waiting to hear an idea for a zen16 spanking machine..

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My suggestion was just going to be "spank harder", but I thought in today's sensitive world it wouldn't go over well. So I didn't say it.


...and now illegal in a number of countries, whatever protocol you use...(tongue firmly in cheek!)

Thanks, @Navat604 - will get this Android family set up over the weekend, too.

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I am so glad you didn't say it! :wink: While I won't publicly admit to either parent spanking him, I will summarize that it isn't a deterrent with this kid. A couple years ago, he spent one full Saturday in the corner. At release for bed time, he told us "still worth it." Arrrrrrr


I am still laughing out loud! :rofl: :joy: :skull:


Firewall. Turn off specific ip or mac from x:pm to x:am. If he has a phone you can include that in it.


I was really just kidding. I am not big on giving other parents advice like that - any more than I liked receiving unsolicited comments like that when mine were little.

And every kid IS different. If there was a "one thing that always worked" all parents would already know it, and be doing it.

Keep up the fight though! Sometimes it is hard, but it does them no service to give up or roll over. Sounds like you're doing great though. :slight_smile:

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And from what I remember, they actually work pretty well once properly configured.

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It's been a battle of wills for the last few years. He got both of his parents' stubbornness and resolve. Our only advantage is that we have all of the Administrative passwords in the house. :wink:


Thanks again, @danabw! I was able to add a new SSID for my kiddo, implement SSID Scheduling, and change the passwords on the other SSIDs. I deployed the new kid SSID on his NUC and Mac this morning. Am I a bad parent if let him stay up a little late tonight to watch when he gets shut off? :wink:


I still think he will have a way around it, if he is tech savvy he'll work something out....

I think what you need is something embarrassing for him.... When he does something out of hours (RM role based on power use perhaps) make the lights flash/send him messages/play sounds/....


Be nice to him. He may turn out to be a billionaire someday.


Yeah as I mentioned my daughter is able to log in to our neighbors WiFi on either side of us. The signal isn't great but I'm sure it's better than nothing when she sneaks her laptop up to her room. She also has an old echo dot she listens to - I usually let that stay on a little longer past her bedtime.'re obviously a good parent who also enjoys quality entertainment. I'd videotape it and show it at his wedding. :wink:

Hope this works out for you. I don't think the "borrow wi-fi from next door" option will work well at all for his gaming purposes (way too much latency), so it should work even if he has a nearby friend who will let him into their network.

One caveat - if he just wants to stay up late, he will find other things to do to entertain himself. So you could win this battle but lose the not-going-to-sleep war. I went through a period when I was in elementary school where I secretly stayed up late listening to the radio (yeah, a long time ago). It was fun to listen to the programs, but also fun just to be up later than I was supposed to be. :slight_smile:

Positive reinforcement is generally a more powerful motivation than punishment. If you continue to have problems w/a tech solution, you may want to look for incentives he values highly (likely game time) to offer him in return for positive behavior (no night-time gaming).


The beatings will continue until morale improves..


same thing my son did 10 years ago.. chuckle. now he is a computer back end programmer with a good job so keep your spirits up..
I added a firewall rule to block his gaming at night.. and eventually had to be more proactive and block his nic address from connection to the wifi router with a timed rule.. See ifyou can do that. I was using dd-wrt.

But when going through the mail server logs, saw his email account being checked middle of night from a strange ip.. The little ■■■■ got around my rules to game by getting on the neighbors wifi.

Now-a days everyone uses security but back then not so much.

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Another good idea (NIC blocking). Fortunately, our neighbors w/n range have their WiFi locked down and are a bit older. No teenagers or other kids for him to approach.


Unfortunately, MAC address spoofing is pretty much plug and play these days ..,.


And modern smart phones even randomize their MAC addresses to prevent 'Big Brother' from tracking your phone as you move from one WiFi access point to another.