Platform update - safe?

I agree it shouldn't. Before that point my hub was rock solid and never had a unplanned restart. I just chalked it up to something flacking out after 8 months of use.


Maybe try devices/all or devices/*.

Might need to add the token to the url now too (I didn't check that though).

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There was a post recently wasn't there about the token and how even a shortened version of it would work once you use it for the first time. Perhaps they have tightened that up...?

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updated to .128 last Friday. Gave it a few days to bake in. So far no issues. Even added a few devices after the upgrade and all added relatively fine.

I just got 2.8.121 on my C4 which was a bit of a surprise.

2.2.8 is in beta testing.


That is kind of what i figured, but i am not as far as i know in any beta program with Hubitat. Doesn't bother me though as the hub is pretty much a test device as it is. I was just surprised i got it.

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Had you purchased you Hubitat new? Or used? If it was used, it is possible the previous owner was a beta tester and your hub's UUID remains in the list of hubs in the beta program.

You might want to let @bobbyD know.

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Unless you want to do beta test and give feedback. In theory, you also should be able to see the beta test forum if your hub is enrolled.

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Sent you and Bobby a PM. Sorry, I didn't realize the factory reset doesn't remove it from Beta.


I accidentally did the same thing on one I sold recently. :slight_smile:


Beta enrollment is not removed during the Full Reset process. As soon as the hub is registered again, the beta enrollment is reactivated. If someone would like to opt out of beta, please send me a PM.