Philips Hue motion sensor

This link should work on your hub to give you that information:


That may depend on how your hub or hub's are setup, or maybe it's my network setup.... Running that link just returns a bunch of html text but doesn't seem to render like the page.... Perhaps none of my hub's are "registered" with that name on the local network....

Yeah, it doesn't work on my network either. Substitute the IP of the hub you want for hubitat.local


Yes, HTML text is what is expected. Something like this:

EDIT - I see a different output, as discussed in future posts and shown below, but am hopeful this may be something with my setup, rather than a more general issue in using the link @Sebastien provided.

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Oh, now that’s odd…

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Huh. Seems like the browser isnt detecting the HTML header.


Yeah, actually the data appears to be there.... odd, probably not relevant for this conversation....

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Ok, not entirely true, but I'll figure it out separately, don't want to discourage others from using the link just yet...

Keeping to my word of not derailing this topic with my issue :wink: Looks like the "different" output I saw may be linked to either the Zigbee radio being turned off.... or the fact hubitat.local not being mapped in my dns.... putting in helights01.local in my case provided the typical text output I am also used to for my Zigbee mesh, being a HE hub with the Zigbee radio turned on. Also nslookup hubitat.local timed out....

Same for me.

Yeah, I can't remember what service provides .local addresses. I don't think it's regular dns. Perhaps bonjour?

Article here: Tips and Tricks: Bonjour .local and Unifi .localdomain - Tong Family might explain, just started reading it.


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I'd also add, my comments were not meant as a critique or slight on @Sebastien 's recommendation, it's something I would also recommend to check in diagnosing this issue. HE provide a valuable resource in this page to better understand the Zigbee network health, and it should be utilised, just be mindful of the URL used, that's all....


As much as I have provided my own experience, I can't offer any more useful experience on where the hub name or URL may be set or overridden.... In my case it may include my dns setup in my rpi....

If only we had a common point to refer people to, beyond the official documentation.... :wink:

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Hi, this is what I got

Welcome home.... :slight_smile:

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One of the sensors doesn’t show up at all

Where does it not show up?

In the list, I have three zigbee devices, two hue motion sensors and one lutron switch