Philio PST02-2C.US products please

Hey Michael,

Guess what, I'm back, after a short sabbatical from Hubitat, I have decided to get back into Hubitat, I had returned the unit, and decided to check other things out, unfortunately nothing else would check all boxes.

So I have just re-ordered a new one, from the same vendor, they will probably think I have gone nuts, can't blame them.

I guess age does play havoc with ones character.

Catch you later.


Hey, Thanks for reaching out! Glad you decided to go back to Hubitat. It doesn't have all of the great features that IRIS had, but at least it's consistent, and works! I haven't had any up time issures and everything has been working perfectly. Just wish they would incorporate the security alert features of IRIS. Like, actually calling you alerting you to an intrusion rather than texting, for example.. I like the fact that I am not getting "hub offline" messages all the time like I did with Vera, lol.
In Tallahassee right now, visiting with my son, who was recently installed as the Rector of the Cathedral. Should be back Wednesady.