Paulmann Plug & Shine

Hi everbody, recently I baught the Paulman Plug & shine outdoor lights including the zigbee controller from Pulmann.
Much to my dismay I found out, that even the generic Zigbee drivers for RGBW Lights wouldnt work.

I also found an old discussion here on the forums regarding this, but since it was from years back I thought there might be another solution in getting those lights to respond.

When I switch to the generic RGBW Lights Im able to turn them on and off but not change their colors. Also they will flash with the flash command.

Has anybody those in use and got them to fully work or is there a driver project running?

Hi @Some1Elsewhere , welcome to Hubitat community forum!

Is your device this one? ( model: '93999')

Have you tried the HE inbuilt 'Advanced Zigbee RGB' drivers? (remember to click on the 'Configure' button when changing between drivers)

I looked at the Zigbee2MQTT implementation - nothing non-standard about this device... Should be working with some of the HE inbuilt drivers.

Hi @kkossev, thanks glad to be here :slight_smile:

Yes, that is exactly the device I implemented into my C-8.
I also checked with the Advances Zigbee RGBW Bulb drivers. After hitting config and waiting a bit, Im also only able to switch the lights on and off. All hue / color changing options do not seem to work unfortunately…. It‘s a bit frustrating, since „some“ stuff works, it feels like you are so close but then again it doesnt work …

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Can you post a screenshot (or better, copy/paste as text) of the Device Details, Data section as shown at the bottom of the device page in HE?

If we forget for a moment about the color control, will the HE inbuilt 'Generic Zigbee Dimmer' work?

Thats what I get under Data:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 14
  • endpointId: 01
  • firmwareMT: 1218-1101-00000001
  • inClusters: 0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,1000
  • isMultiEP: true
  • manufacturer: Paulmann Licht GmbH
  • model: Dimmable
  • outClusters: 0019
  • profileId: 0104
  • softwareBuild: 1400-0001

The dimmer driver seems to work, it will dimm up just fine but only white of course.

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It's a different model than the one that I found on the zigbee.blakadder site...
I will try to find more info.

Thats strange mine is also called 93999.
I also noticed while adding it to the hub, that it created two additional „Child“ devices or components that Im not able to configure.

There shouldn't be child devices from the Zigbee2MQTT posts in GitHub the second endpoint is the GreenPower ep 242, which should be ignored in Hubitat. I suppose you are on the latest HE platform version?

Do you have a remote paired to the controller? Can you change the colors using the remote?
If yes - do you see anything in the live logs (when the Debug logging preference is turned on)?

Im running the latest version of HE yes.

the strange thing is, I can pair a remote say on 1 to the controller. All 3 Spots are blinking indicating that they are bound to 1 via the remote. But upon clicking the remote and trying to switch them on, nothing happens. The remote however worked fine without the controller.

maybe I should reset everything and start over again.

If you start over (deleting the device from the red 'REMOVE DEVICE' button at the bottom of the device page), please make a screenshot / copy of the detailed device info which is available only when you pair it as a new device.

When the device is discovered during the pairing process, there will be a 'Device Info' or similar hyperlink - click on it before you enter a custom device name.

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After resetting, try Hubitat drivers control, without pairing the remote. The remote may be changing the operating mode of the RGB controller via the Zigbee hub. I remember there were issues controlling the IKEA bulbs in the past, if they were paired to their remotes.

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hey @kkossev thats the pairing info I got from pairing it again:

Device pairing info

Manufacturer: Paulmann Licht GmbH
Endpoint 01 application: 14
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,1000
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: Paulmann Licht GmbH
Endpoint 01 model: Dimmable
Endpoint 01 outClusters: 0019
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4

I tried advanced Zigbee RGBW and the generic stuff as well as the dimmer, but other than on off and the level changes nothing seems to work.

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one other thing to note, the State Variables now do look different than before.
at the moment it shows:

State Variables

  • tt : {level=10, RGB=10, off=0A00, colorTemperature=10, on=0A00}
  • ct : {current=0, requested=0, min=0, max=0}
  • hexColor : {requestedHue=9B, requestedSaturation=FE, currentHue=00, currentSaturation=00}
  • checkPhase : 4
  • lastSaturation : FE
  • lastHue : 03
  • groups : []
  • xyOnly : false
  • hexLevel : {current=00, requested=00}
  • lastAddress : CFC8

last time there were variables like „green:“ „blue:“ etc.

It seems that this controller does not support RGB colors....
Zigbee cluster for color control is 0x0300 - and it is not in the list.
In the inClusers list, we only have the on/off (0006) and level control (0008) clusters.

hmm that is strange, there are only 2 controllers to purchase. One with a remote that is hardwired to those remotes and the other one with Zigbee 3.0. I have version 93999 for Zigbee. The alternative is 180.11 with a remote, but thats not Zigbee compatible. I will try and pair it with a Hue Bridge and see if that works. I can‘t imagine that this controller cannot handle colors.

I added it again into Hubitat and now there is a 0300 endpoint.

Device pairing info

Manufacturer: Paulmann Licht
Endpoint 01 application: 0F
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,0300,1000
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: Paulmann Licht
Endpoint 01 model: 500.47
Endpoint 01 outClusters: 0019
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4

okay thats messed up but while resetting the controller I reset the individual spots themselves and paired a spot directly. Only one works now but flawlessly. Somehow, I need to pair them individually to the hub and throw this controller away.

So to close this topic, anyone else that is thinking about compatibility with this 93999 Controller, don‘t bother. The reach of C-8 pro gets to the individual Zigbee Plug&Shine lights/Spots and therefore this controller is obsolete. I now have more control over the lights than with this Paulman-Controller since that device is switching a group and not the individual Spots.

Also one hint, if you are using Home Assistant in parallel create a Script with the reset sequence for those Paulman devices, plug them into a smart plug and run it.
Manually resetting them 5 times in a row and getting the timing right will drive you mad.

alias: Paulmann Reset
  - repeat:
      count: 5
        - service: switch.turn_off
          data: {}
              - switch.plug
        - delay: "00:00:03.300"
        - service: switch.turn_on
          data: {}
              - switch.plug
        - delay: "00:00:01.300"
icon: mdi:restart
mode: single
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