Paul Hibbert (Hibbert Home Tech) has shared his opinion of the Hubitat C-8

Just saw this video Paul Hibbert did for the C-8, seems like he is very happy about it!
Paul Hibbert and the C-8


It's nice to see someone present a somewhat commercial video that still provides a somewhat balanced point of view...


HOME ASSISTANT thrusts out crotch
OH THE ZIGBEE thrusts out crotch

are you trying to bait us? i think you got us pretty good. you are a master. you can bait like a master. you are a masterbai...censored


While I personally cringe whenever I see these videos (I think his jokes are just awful and disgusting), there is no denying that he has a huge fan base (225K).
He's a You tube influencer - and people who don't know much about Home Automation watch his channel.
As a result of his positive evaluation of the C-8, I forecast that sales and market presence will definitely increase - a great outcome!
Congratulations Hubitat!


I thought it was an entertaining video.
Maybe I am too juvenile….


shout out to @iholand for getting their custom driver featured in the video as well

I thought it was excellent. And I hope to see more mentions of HE in his videos going forward, it looks to me like it can be a stable and reliable base for 90% of his stuff to run on. Which, quite frankly, is why I use HE, it ain't sexy or flashy, just quietly doing it's job day in and day out.


As someone who works in what is traditionally referred to as BI, or you could say automation in a business setting.... I can appreciate both the sex-appeal and same-ness of automating a process.... The beauty is most definitely in the eye of the consumer. For me, I feel like if we wait long enough the consumers (kids) will catch up....

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He is right, I wish the HE does need some better Tuya support. (RM Pro would be nice too) if these were somehow worked on, he would prob ditch HA.

Well you know we tried with these guys. we had a meeting with them, all we wanted was their custom device cluster api, all they wanted was us to integrate with their cloud...
Obviously that meeting went no where, and I've not the time nor inclination to purchase one of every tuya device, join it to their hub, and start sniffing packets in order to decode their cluster implementations...


Gee...all you've done recently is release a new hub w/new Zigbee controller and updated stack, while also regularly adding support for new devices that do play nicely/appropriately w/the hub to ongoing FW releases. Lazy Mike. :wink: :rofl:


That was before zigbee 3. With the C8 zigbee 3 supported. Do you still need their device Custer API?

No, but if they are truly zigbee 3.0 they should work with the current inbuilt drivers on all of our hub models, and its just a question of adding the device fingerprints.


I thought Tuya and Aqara zigbee certification means naff all as they need "their hub" to work, regardless of 3.0, ZHA, ZLL, etc.

If they are truly certified, they need to meet certain cluster implementations based on the device type and therefore should work with an inbuild driver.


As I thought, that would be a no as there would be no need for the "TUYA magic packet" for example and issues with them dropping off the network.

This is why I prefer z-wave devices, interoperability!

pfttt, sure perhaps better than cheap non compliant trash, but not properly written firmware devices...


You keep saying that, but I would wager $20 that "non compliant" zigbee devices are a MUCH larger portion of the zigbee population than "non compliant" zwave devices are of that population. :slight_smile:

Of course there is no way to prove that, so my $20 is safe.

That said, I much prefer the price point to make a zigbee device over the entry cost to make a zwave one... Oh, and the speed of zigbee.

depends on where you shop...

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Very true. The zigbee devices I do have in service are all awesome, because if a device isn't I send it back/throw it away. :slight_smile:

Life is too short for funky devices.