Sorry bit of a Newbie question, but has anyone tried or would these Zigbee RGB Downlights work ok with Hubitat?
If it truly follows the Zigbee 3.0 or the older ZHA 1.2 profiles, then it should work with a generic driver.
Always a chance it does something funny under the hood and would need a custom driver for all features though.
It is a Tuya ZigBee implementation after all (since it says it is supported by the Tuya app I am assuming) which get a bit weird at times. But since this is a light... even they tend not to stray too far from the basics for such things (from what I have seen).
If you do try them out it will be good to know how they work.
What’s the return policy for that web retailer like?
Did you try those Zigbee RGBW downlights? How did they work?
I bought one from Oz Smart Things, and I haven't got it work yet.
Model number: DL41-03-10-R-ZB
It's pairs fine, but I haven't yet found a driver that works yet. If anyone has got it working, it will be great if you can share your experiences. I will keep at it for now. Below is the device pairing info. It seems that @kkossev has written a driver, but it seems like it's from a different manufacturer, and it doesn't seem to work with this model.
Device pairing info
Manufacturer: | _TZ3210_klsm24op |
Endpoint 01 application: | 65 |
Endpoint 01 endpointId: | 01 |
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: | 1 |
Endpoint 01 inClusters: | 0003,0004,0005,0006,1000,0008,0300,EF00,0000 |
Endpoint 01 initialized: | true |
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: | _TZ3210_klsm24op |
Endpoint 01 model: | TS0505B |
Endpoint 01 outClusters: | 0019,000A |
Endpoint 01 profileId: | 0104 |
Endpoint 01 stage: | 4 |
Have you tried this driver? What is working and what does not work with it?
This TS0505B _TZ3210_klsm24op is a new model, I can't find any info for it. Hopefully it is compatible with the previous manufacturer _TZ3210_mcm6m1ma.
Thank you. I've just tried this driver. Still not able to control the device. Here is a snippet of a log in case it helps.
dev:2792024-03-29 14:47:27.383infohealthStatus was set to offline
dev:2792024-03-29 14:47:27.380warnno response received (device offline?)
dev:2792024-03-29 14:47:17.348infoturn off
dev:2792024-03-29 14:46:00.295infozigbee group memberships: (capacity available: 32)
dev:2792024-03-29 14:46:00.136errorjava.lang.ArithmeticException: Division by zero on line 1319 (method parse)
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:59.874infocolor temperature low set to 2000K
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:59.871infocolor temperature high set to 6535K
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:59.665warnzigbee read ON_OFF_CLUSTER attribute 0x4003 error: Unsupported Attribute
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:59.476warnzigbee read BASIC_CLUSTER attribute 0x4000 error: Unsupported Attribute
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:59.322inforefresh
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:56.203infosaturation was set to 6
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:56.123infohue was set to 6
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.691warnzigbee response write COLOR_CONTROL_CLUSTER attribute error: Unsupported Attribute
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.514warnzigbee response write ON_OFF_CLUSTER attribute error: Unsupported Attribute
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.490infohealthStatus was set to online
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.223infoconfigure: attempting to enable state reporting
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.217infoconfigure: setting Tuya DND moode to 0x00
dev:2792024-03-29 14:45:54.188infoconfigure: setting power restore state to 0xFF
Did you solve this issue?
These downlights should work with the HE built-in drivers.
What problem are you experiencing?
Is your device paired and staying connected to your HE hub?
The easiest way to check is to temporarily change the driver to the HE inbuilt 'Device' driver. Then click on the 'Get Info' button. Do you see any response in the live logs?
I can not get these working consistently, though it seems like they are staying connected as far as I can tell.
Get info
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.693infofingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0003,0004,0005,0006,1000,0008,0300,EF00,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0505B", manufacturer:"_TZ3210_mcm6m1ma", controllerType: "ZGB"
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.646traceZCL version:03
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.641traceSoftware Build Id:unknown
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.636traceModel:TS0505B
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.632traceManufacturer:_TZ3210_mcm6m1ma
dev:2392024-11-09 11:24:32.549debuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...
endpointId: 01
application: 65
inClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,1000,0008,0300,EF00,0000
manufacturer: _TZ3210_mcm6m1ma
model: TS0505B
outClusters: 0019,000A
State Variables
tt : {level=0000, RGB=0000, off=0000, colorTemperature=0000, on=0000}
ct : {current=B201, requested=B201, min=2000, max=6535}
hexColor : {requestedHue=AA, requestedSaturation=FE, currentHue=AA, currentSaturation=FE}
checkPhase : 0
groups : []
xyOnly : false
hexLevel : {current=FE, requested=FE}
lastAddress : 3D01
skipReport : false
Tuya Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb ver 1.1.1
This will not work with a button set to toggle. It will turn off but will not turn on. Toggle in the device page does work.
(Fitting did not switch off)
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:51.579tracezigbee ON_OFF_CLUSTER command 0x01 response: Success
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:51.560debugparse: catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 3D01 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:51.475infoturn on
dev:1562024-11-09 10:31:51.429infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
(Fitting switched on)
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:47.267tracezigbee ON_OFF_CLUSTER command 0x01 response: Success
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:47.254debugparse: catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 3D01 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100
dev:2392024-11-09 10:31:47.194infoturn on
dev:1562024-11-09 10:31:47.156infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb
I did manage to kind of get it working with the following.
Swap to driver - Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb
Turn on/Turn off once or twice (it will go from white to one of red|purple|blue)
This then works fine, install. I added them to a basic button controller with toggle and they worked until I switched one individually and tried the button again. The switched one I changed individually turned on/off with the button but the rest just turned on briefly then turned off again
dev:2342024-11-09 11:06:09.025errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2372024-11-09 11:06:06.031errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2332024-11-09 11:05:16.043errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2392024-11-09 11:04:03.406infoOZ 01 was turned off
dev:2382024-11-09 11:04:03.353infoOZ 02 was turned off
dev:2372024-11-09 11:04:03.300infoOZ 08 was turned off
dev:2362024-11-09 11:04:03.251infoOZ 09 was turned off
dev:2352024-11-09 11:04:03.205infoOZ 07 was turned off
dev:2342024-11-09 11:04:03.162infoOZ 06 was turned off
dev:2332024-11-09 11:04:03.099infoOZ 05 was turned off
dev:2412024-11-09 11:04:03.048infoOZ 04 was turned off
dev:2402024-11-09 11:04:02.996infoOZ 03 was turned off
dev:1562024-11-09 11:04:02.863infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:55.154infoOZ 01 level is 100%
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:55.143infoOZ 01 was turned on
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:55.103infoOZ 08 level is 100%
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:55.092infoOZ 08 was turned on
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:55.052infoOZ 02 level is 100%
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:55.047errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:55.042infoOZ 02 was turned on
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:55.020infoOZ 09 level is 100%
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:55.003infoOZ 09 was turned on
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:54.987infoOZ 07 level is 100%
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:54.963infoOZ 07 was turned on
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:54.929infoOZ 06 level is 100%
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:54.918infoOZ 06 was turned on
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:54.909infoOZ 05 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:54.898infoOZ 05 was turned on
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:54.879infoOZ 04 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:54.857infoOZ 04 was turned on
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:54.775infoOZ 03 level is 100%
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:54.765infoOZ 03 was turned on
dev:1562024-11-09 11:03:54.636infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:52.665infoOZ 01 was turned off
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:52.614infoOZ 02 was turned off
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:52.565infoOZ 08 was turned off
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:52.513infoOZ 09 was turned off
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:52.469infoOZ 07 was turned off
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:52.419infoOZ 06 was turned off
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:52.373infoOZ 05 was turned off
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:52.291infoOZ 04 was turned off
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:52.250infoOZ 03 was turned off
dev:1562024-11-09 11:03:52.134infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:38.366infoOZ 01 level is 100%
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:38.350infoOZ 01 was turned on
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:38.312infoOZ 02 level is 100%
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:38.301infoOZ 02 was turned on
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:38.273infoOZ 08 level is 100%
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:38.257infoOZ 08 was turned on
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:38.220infoOZ 09 level is 100%
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:38.196infoOZ 09 was turned on
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:38.180infoOZ 07 level is 100%
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:38.152infoOZ 07 was turned on
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:38.126infoOZ 06 level is 100%
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:38.109infoOZ 06 was turned on
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:38.065infoOZ 05 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:38.053infoOZ 05 was turned on
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:38.024infoOZ 04 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:38.001infoOZ 04 was turned on
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:37.969infoOZ 03 level is 100%
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:37.957infoOZ 03 was turned on
dev:1562024-11-09 11:03:37.834infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:24.741infoOZ 01 is off
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:24.687infoOZ 02 is off
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:24.669infoOZ 09 is off
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:24.647infoOZ 08 is off
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:24.522infoOZ 07 is off
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:24.482infoOZ 06 is off
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:24.419infoOZ 05 is off
dev:2412024-11-09 11:03:24.383infoOZ 04 was turned off
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:24.334infoOZ 03 is off
dev:1562024-11-09 11:03:24.204infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:03:18.934infoOZ 01 was turned off
dev:2382024-11-09 11:03:18.928infoOZ 02 was turned off
dev:2362024-11-09 11:03:18.861infoOZ 09 was turned off
dev:2372024-11-09 11:03:18.846infoOZ 08 was turned off
dev:2342024-11-09 11:03:18.765infoOZ 06 was turned off
dev:2352024-11-09 11:03:18.716infoOZ 07 was turned off
dev:2332024-11-09 11:03:18.676infoOZ 05 was turned off
dev:2402024-11-09 11:03:18.607infoOZ 03 was turned off
dev:1562024-11-09 11:03:18.382infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
Manually switching each light on twice seems to get it back to where it was before it broke. It will brake again if one is switched individually.
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:37.032errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2392024-11-09 11:11:18.091infoOZ 01 level is 100%
dev:2392024-11-09 11:11:18.083infoOZ 01 was turned on
dev:2382024-11-09 11:11:18.060infoOZ 02 level is 100%
dev:2382024-11-09 11:11:18.030infoOZ 02 was turned on
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:17.991infoOZ 08 level is 100%
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:17.987infoOZ 08 was turned on
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:17.960infoOZ 09 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:11:17.955infoOZ 05 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:11:17.949infoOZ 05 was turned on
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:17.939infoOZ 09 was turned on
dev:2352024-11-09 11:11:17.933infoOZ 07 level is 100%
dev:2352024-11-09 11:11:17.897infoOZ 07 was turned on
dev:2342024-11-09 11:11:17.857infoOZ 06 level is 100%
dev:2342024-11-09 11:11:17.850infoOZ 06 was turned on
dev:2402024-11-09 11:11:17.805infoOZ 03 level is 100%
dev:2402024-11-09 11:11:17.788infoOZ 03 was turned on
dev:2412024-11-09 11:11:17.728infoOZ 04 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:11:17.723infoOZ 04 was turned on
dev:1562024-11-09 11:11:17.555infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2392024-11-09 11:11:15.754infoOZ 01 was turned off
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:15.702infoOZ 08 was turned off
dev:2382024-11-09 11:11:15.653infoOZ 02 was turned off
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:15.604infoOZ 09 was turned off
dev:2352024-11-09 11:11:15.558infoOZ 07 was turned off
dev:2342024-11-09 11:11:15.510infoOZ 06 was turned off
dev:2332024-11-09 11:11:15.464infoOZ 05 was turned off
dev:2412024-11-09 11:11:15.406infoOZ 04 was turned off
dev:2402024-11-09 11:11:15.367infoOZ 03 was turned off
dev:1562024-11-09 11:11:15.259infoTest Button 01 button 1 was pushed
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:11.942infoOZ 09 level is 100%
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:10.383infoOZ 09 level is 100%
dev:2362024-11-09 11:11:10.375infoOZ 09 was turned on
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:08.423infoOZ 08 level is 100%
dev:2382024-11-09 11:11:08.057errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:06.444infoOZ 08 level is 100%
dev:2372024-11-09 11:11:06.435infoOZ 08 was turned on
dev:2402024-11-09 11:10:19.027errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2352024-11-09 11:10:11.925infoOZ 07 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:10:11.026errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: find(), print(java.lang.Object), print(, print(java.lang.Object), find(groovy.lang.Closure), run() (method ping)
dev:2352024-11-09 11:10:09.469infoOZ 07 level is 100%
dev:2352024-11-09 11:10:09.464infoOZ 07 was turned on
dev:2342024-11-09 11:10:07.002infoOZ 06 level is 100%
dev:2342024-11-09 11:10:05.033infoOZ 06 level is 100%
dev:2342024-11-09 11:10:05.028infoOZ 06 was turned on
dev:2332024-11-09 11:10:02.608infoOZ 05 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:09:59.520infoOZ 05 level is 100%
dev:2332024-11-09 11:09:59.510infoOZ 05 was turned on
dev:2412024-11-09 11:09:55.890infoOZ 04 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:09:52.976infoOZ 04 level is 100%
dev:2412024-11-09 11:09:52.971infoOZ 04 was turned on
dev:2402024-11-09 11:09:51.008infoOZ 03 level is 100%
dev:2402024-11-09 11:09:49.435infoOZ 03 level is 100%
dev:2402024-11-09 11:09:49.430infoOZ 03 was turned on
dev:2382024-11-09 11:09:44.660infoOZ 02 level is 100%
dev:2382024-11-09 11:09:42.928infoOZ 02 level is 100%
dev:2382024-11-09 11:09:42.923infoOZ 02 was turned on
dev:2392024-11-09 11:09:32.863infoOZ 01 level is 100%
dev:2392024-11-09 11:09:26.170infoOZ 01 level is 100%
This bulb does not require any specific Tuya drivers and should work with the HE inbuilt drivers .
For a test, can you temporarily move the downlight close to your HE hub? Does it work reliably there?
Any luck. Im looking at their products now as they are a bargain. Its a real shame that representatives arent in the community fielding these questions if they want to create a trustworthy Oz brand.