Overriding with a v-switch or mode: pause rule or check in rule?

I have several motion lighting rules in RM4 that I can override by setting a virtual switch if I want the lights to stay on. I can think of two ways to accomplish this: either have a separate rule triggered by the v-switch that pauses/resumes the other when changed, or I can do a check for the status of the v-switch within the rules themselves when triggered.

Is one method better than the other for reducing the hub workload? It would seem to me that the pause rule method would be best but I wondering if I'm missing something.

Another use case would be for having these trigger in certain modes. You could either check mode in the rule or have a rule that pauses any rules that you don't want active in that mode. In this case it makes even more sense to me because it could prevent several other rules from running or being checked.

Anyway, just looking for advice from more experienced users.

It should not make any appreciable difference.