Outlets / Generig Zigbee Outlet driver / Dashboard button not working proberly

I Have C7 Hub with SW.

I have couple different vendors (Ledvance and Lidl SilverCrest) Outlets connected to my hub. Both are using Generic Zigbee Outlet drivers. From Hubitat web page portal: Devices / Outlet Device / Commands i'm able to swithc outlet's on and off easily, no issues there.

I have added these outlets as Outlet in the dashboard as well but there I have issues of switching ON and OFF the outlets. Outlet icon just keeps showing "sending" text in the icon and sometimes this might switch the outlet ON, but not able to swithc it OFF.


I saw old thread regarding this very same issue and final comment in that thread was that this started to work if the outlets were selected to use Generic Zigbee Swithc drivers and then re-added to dashboard as Swithes. I tried this, but did not help. Didn't find any thread where the fix would be explained.

Any suggestions to get this work?

1 Like

The Generic Zigbee Outlet should be working fine with Levidance/Osram and Lidl/SilverCrest outlets...

If you can't make your plugs working, you may want to try also this custom driver. It features some more detailed debug logging which may help to find where the problem is.

Device page is working just fine with ON and OFF buttons:

Need to check that custom driver. Just odd, that Hubitat own driver does not work in the dashboard, but it works in device page.

Yep, now I see you have mentioned this in the OP...
Do you have any other outlet or switches that you can also add to the HE dashboard and compare if it is working fine, as opposed to the Levidance and Lidl outlet problems?

The problem may be in the dashboard, not in the Generic Zigbee outlet driver.
For a test - create a new HE dashboard, enabling only these outlets that you are testing with.

Hi thanks for replies. I don't have other than these two outlets only.

I created new dashboard and and only the oultes there, but same issue still exists.

It seems that with first click the outlet turns ON and hourglass is changed on the outlet icon in the dashboard (and it remains does not anymore disapper), after this if I press again the icon even the hourglass is still visisble in the icon then the outlet turns OFF. First two clicks works, but hourglass is there all the time. After this if I click the button, nothing happends.

Event log looks like this:

First two events (yellow ones) did work, but rest didn't change the outlet switch.

Try changing the driver to the custom one linked above, it will be easier to troubleshoot.

Enable the 'Аdvanced Options', hit Save, and then enable the experimental ''three-state events

We should be able to see some more detailed information in the device events, but also in Hubitat Dashboard

Hi, thanks again your comments.
I installed the driver you proposed. I did not find anywhere from device page the "Advanced Options" and either the "Enable three-states events".

Also now when I try to switch the outlet from dashboard nothings happends even on first attempt.

Refresh the device web page and post a screenshot.

Äh, I select wrong Tuya driver on first attempt, there seem to be another already from Hubitat.

No when selecting the user defined driver, there's quite much different settings and now I was able the switch the outlet first ON, then OFF and after that it did stop working. Here's the events log:

What device is that?
Please post a screenshot of the Davice Details. data section ( where the model, manufacturer and the application version are shown)

Ledvance Outlet

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Please turn the Debug logs in the driver on.
Then, switch the outlet on and off from the physical button on the device itself.
I will need the debug logs that follow the physical on/off switching.

Please select, copy and paste the debug logs as text, not as a screenshot this time.

Is the device this one? (amazon. fr)

... I don't see it supported even in Home Assistant, that supports nearly everything .. :frowning:

Where I can find those debug logs? Logs page doesn't show anything.

Yes thats correct device.

Open the Hubitat logs in another tab in the browser.
Click on the 'Ping' button on the device web page. On the other tab you should see your device name ..

Seems that pressing the physical button in the device does not generate any logs for Hubitat. Now pinging the device from Hubitat will generate logs:
dev:902023-11-25 22:41:12.648infoOlohuone.Pistorasia Round-trip time is 312 ms (min=287 max=287 average=287)

dev:902023-11-25 22:41:12.613debugOlohuone.Pistorasia parse: descMap = [raw:AC6F0100000A01002001, dni:AC6F, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:0A, attrId:0001, encoding:20, command:01, value:01, clusterInt:0, attrInt:1] description=read attr - raw: AC6F0100000A01002001, dni: AC6F, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 0A, attrId: 0001, encoding: 20, command: 01, value: 01

dev:902023-11-25 22:41:12.578debugOlohuone.Pistorasia parse: read attr - raw: AC6F0100000A01002001, dni: AC6F, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 0A, attrId: 0001, encoding: 20, command: 01, value: 01

dev:902023-11-25 22:41:12.429debugOlohuone.Pistorasia ping...

dev:902023-11-25 22:41:12.399debugOlohuone.Pistorasia sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xAC6F 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 01 00}])

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Yes, this is the reason why Hubitat dashboard does not update ...

All drivers are made to change the on/off status only when the device confirms the command. And this device does not send conformation back to the hub that the outlet was flipped on/off ...

OK, at this time I don't have more ideas, will read if a solution is available somewhere ... Hopefully Jeedom (ZiGate) support it.

Some technical data for my reference below


"epCount": 2,
"endPoints": {
"01": {
"servClusters": {
"1000": {
"attributes": {
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsReceived": [
"commandsGenerated": [
"0000": {
"attributes": {
"4000": {
"dataType": "42",
"access": "05",
"value": "00103101"
"0005": {
"value": "PlugZ3",
"dataType": "42",
"access": "05"
"0000": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 2
"0001": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"0002": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 2
"0003": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"0004": {
"dataType": "42",
"access": "05",
"value": "LEDVANCE"
"0006": {
"dataType": "42",
"access": "05",
"value": "Dec 10 2018\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"
"0007": {
"dataType": "30",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsReceived": [
"0003": {
"attributes": {
"0000": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "07",
"value": 0
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": [
"commandsReceived": [
"0004": {
"attributes": {
"0000": {
"dataType": "18",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsReceived": [
"commandsGenerated": [
"0005": {
"attributes": {
"0000": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"0001": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"0002": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"0003": {
"dataType": "10",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"0004": {
"dataType": "18",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"0005": {
"dataType": "F0",
"access": "05",
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsReceived": [
"commandsGenerated": [
"0006": {
"attributes": {
"4000": {
"dataType": "10",
"access": "05"
"4001": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "07"
"4002": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "07"
"0000": {
"dataType": "10",
"access": "05",
"value": 0
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsGenerated": ,
"commandsReceived": [
"0B05": {
"attributes": {
"011B": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 17
"011C": {
"dataType": "20",
"access": "05",
"value": 255
"011D": {
"dataType": "28",
"access": "05",
"value": -78
"FFFD": {
"dataType": "21",
"access": "05",
"value": 1
"commandsReceived": ,
"FC0F": {
"attributes": {},
"commandsGenerated": ,
"0019": {
"attributes": {}
"cliClusters": {
"0019": {
"attributes": {
"0000": {},
"0001": {},
"0002": {},
"0003": {},
"0004": {},
"0005": {},
"0006": {},
"0007": {},
"0008": {},
"0009": {},
"000A": {},
"FFFD": {}
"F2": {
"servClusters": {
"": {}
"cliClusters": {
"0021": {}
"powerSource": "mains",
"fileSignature": "Abeille discovery file"


Abeille/core/config/devices/PlugZ3/PlugZ3.json at 0415f71e08902261e9458318f7a5c43497c59286 · KiwiHC16/Abeille · GitHub

Many thanks for you anyway for support.

It's odd that both Ledvance and also my other outlet Lidl SilverCrest are behaving same way. Should not buy either of those..

From device page's ON and OFF buttons I'm able to switch outlet many times without problems. Does this work here differently than with dashboard?

From the device web page the command is executed every time you clock on the On or Off buttons.
From HE Dashboard it works a bit differently, if the previous on or off status is unknown, the button is disabled... So for these outlets you can not use the HE dashboard.

Lidl SilverCrest should be a Tuya clone ... Can you post the device model/manufacturer data for it as well?