My all Z-wave system is working well... except for the 2 GE Enbrighten Outdoor Smart Switches that control my frontyard and backyard landscaping lights.
10% of the time, these switches do not respond to on/off commands. 40% of the time they properly respond to on/off commands, but do not reflect their new current status in my Dashboard. I am assuming this a Z-wave mesh issue. One that I have not been able to fix. As per normal, the Z-wave routing makes no sense at all. All of the indoor switches near these 2 outdoor switches (all within 20 feet) are Z-Wave Plus.
I have tried adding Aeotec 7 Repeaters, did a Z-wave repair and waited 3 days, but pretty much NOTHING seems to want to repeat through them. Given Z-Waves bizarre routing, perhaps if I moved them to another ZIP code they would work better.
How can I fix this problem? Despite the Z-Wave data, below, the frontyard switch is actually more problematic than the backyard switch.
Are there better outdoor switches similar to the GE switches?
Are there better Repeaters than the Aeotec 7's?
Might a different device driver work better?
Would removing the S2 security from these GE devices, or other devices, help?
Z-Wave Routing Details:
0x63 (099) PER: 0, RTT Avg: 386ms, LWR RSSI: 21dB
Neighbors: 23, Route Changes: 4 OK
in: 0x5E, 0x55, 0x6C, 0x9F, 0x22, out: Backyard Landscape Lights S2 Authenticated 01 -> 50 -> 3A -> 63 100kbps
0x39 (057) PER: 0, RTT Avg: 5ms, LWR RSSI: -2dB
Neighbors: 15, Route Changes: 1 OK
in: 0x5E, 0x55, 0x6C, 0x9F, 0x22, out: Front Yard Landscaping Lights S2 Authenticated 01 -> 39 100kbps