Orbit B-hyve

Nope... but I am now. Forgot to commit again!

Its working now!!!.. and I can see the programs for the week and something called "level"

So far so good

Level, I believe, is how many gallons of water were used during the last run.

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Good.... Notifications are also working ..... looks very very very promising

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HI there.... So far so good.. I had one disconnection but I am not sure if this is related to your app. I refreshed the browser page and it is working again....

One question regarding the app is the refresh time ...Can you please elaborate a little bit about it? I have selected 1m and I am not sure what the difference is if I select 1 hour.


Their websocket is incredibly unstable. That is why you'll see the disconnects from time to time. I also added a failsafe of if it is connected for 30 minutes it will disconnect and reconnect.

The refresh time is actually something I'll probably get rid of at some point. This is a port of the ST app. Because of limitations of ST, it could not connect to the "real time" API that the Orbit provides. HE doesn't have this same limitation. So ST would poll the service every X minutes to get a status. We don't really need to do that. However, I have to do some work to make it so I pull ALL the data in realtime. Right now I'm pulling rain delay info, valve open/closed info, and run mode info. I need to make it so it also gets program changes and flow sensor changes in real time. Still a work in progress!

Right now that refresh time just dictates how frequently it will pull program info, battery level, and flow level changes. I have mine set to every 15 minutes currently.

I returned all my Orbit B-hyve devices, for Melnor RainCloud to have less programing (Orbit I had to program each node separately, which was a PIA w/10+ zones). Now that you have this in HE your gonna make me go buy them again!! dang you dman! lol :hugs:

I've been trying to get my Orbit 21004 B-hyve Smart Hose Faucet Timer with Wi-Fi Hub to work for 3 days now, but keep running into issues.

I can not get the Water Timer (01) unit to Open or Close using the Hubitat app at all.
And when I Open or Close the Water Timer (01) unit with the Orbit b-hyve app, I can see it showing in the Hubitat app that it's open and when it closed. But when I close the water value using the Orbit b-hyve app, looking at the Hubitat Logs I see an issue that keeps repeating itself.

Here are some screenshots as I did a new install of the app and drivers in Hubitat just this morning.

After clicking on done when installing the app, here is what the Logs show for the Controller and the Water Timer (01) ....

First time clicking on the Controller Device in Hubitat.....

First time clicking on the Water Timer (01) Device in Hubitat.....

First time clicking on Initialize button, and Log report....

Clicking on 'Open" for the first time, and Log report....

Clicking on 'Close" for the first time, and Log report....

Using the Orbit app for the b-hyve, I clicked on 'Open". The Hubitat app did show that Water Time (01) vale was Open, but did not show anything in the Logs....

When I clicked on 'Close' in the Orbit b-hyve app, it showed 'Close' in Hubitat. But I got a lots of the same issue repeating in the Logs.

Here is the Logs show the multiple report.

Am I correct that you have NO auto watering scheduled in the b-hyve app?


Correct, as of right now I have the Water Timer (01) unit sitting on my desk just so I can tell if the value is opening or closing.

The driver has specific code in it to prevent the open/close when there is no schedule. Not sure why. We can try removing that if statement in the open() and see if it works. If you know how to try that feel free otherwise I can help after 6pm est

If you could show me were to find that and what needs to be rewritten, I would really appreciate that. It will be after 10pm before I get back on line tonight. So if you have any more questions for me, I'll reply to them then.

Right now I have a few of the Iris Obit water timers, and I am going to set them up using the Simple Irrigation app in Hubitat. I was also planning to add the new Orbit B-hyve Smart Hose Faucet Timer to the Simple Irrigation app too, and just run everything from Hubitat.
I'm using the Ecowitt app in Hubitat for my personal weather station (PWS), so right now I can monitor current rain fall as well as ground moisture. This way if my PWS sees that it raining, I can have Hubitat close the values to any of the water timers that are set to run that day.

Thanks again!

I have the same plan but havenโ€™t bought an ecowitt yet!

In the sprinkler timer driver code go to line 81. Inside that open() remove everything except line 83. I can provide the exact change this evening. Not at a pc right now.

I just checked in the change, curious if it works for you. That code was there because it was in the original ST version. Let's see how it goes!

It seems to be Opening and Closing fine now with the Hubitat app! :partying_face:

But I'm still getting those multiple warning in the Hubitat Logs after I Close the value using the Orbit b-hyve app. :frowning_face:

Here is what I removed in the sprinkler timer driver code.


After, hope I removed what was needed.................

Here is clicking on Open in Hubitat............

Here is clicking on Close in Hubitat....................

Clicking on Open in the Orbit b-hyve app...........

Here is clicking on 'Close' in the Orbit b-hyve app.....

When clicking on Close in the Orbit b-hyve app, I'm still getting multiple warnings in the Hubitat Logs............

Is that because I don't have an auto watering scheduled setup in the b-hyve app, or is there something else going on?

The warnings are just because I haven't implemented flow monitoring yet. The version of the sprinkler driver that I just pushed adds this support so the warnings should go away.

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Great work, warnings are all gone now!

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I just loaded the latest app/drive and I can no longer manually open/close valves. Tried removing and re-installing all, but still no luck.

Not much I can do to help without logs or more information. What devices do you have? Opening/closing from within HE or the bhyve app? Please provide as much information as you can.

apologies for the vague post.

I'm trying to control a valve from the device page in HE by clicking the "Open" button. When I do, the status doesn't change from Closed to Open nor does the actual valve open. If I open the valve from the B-Hyve app, the status in the HE device page follows.

Also, when I click Open in HE, there is nothing that comes out in the log surprisingly. If I click Initialize I see this in the log:
dev:22432020-07-11 10:10:21.283 am debugtrue
dev:22432020-07-11 10:10:21.037 am debugfalse
dev:22432020-07-11 10:10:21.017 am errorLost connection to Web Socket: status: closing
dev:22432020-07-11 10:10:20.858 am debugfalse

The last version I was using worked fine, but there was a lot of logging which is why I moved up to the latest.

Hope that helps.. thank you!