Opinions on Raspberry Pi temperature?

I have a pi4 running PiHole fitted with a PoE+ hat with a fan. It gets a bit irritating on the lower speed so I've been playing with the settings. What is everyone's opinion on temp for these things? I know it starts to throttle at 80.

My rpi4 that runs Grafana and influxdb normally hovers between 50-60C, with a room temp 18-22. The rpi is housed in a flirc case, with no active cooling.


:point_up: This is the way! I use Flirc cases for all my RPis

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I had to look up flirc cases. I have the flirc usb dongle and was pretty sure you didn't mean that. :thinking:

I had it in a flirc case but then I had to change it when I added the PoE hat. It hovers around 60 to 70 now with the fan settings being very relaxed. Perhaps I need to suck it up and deal with the fan being on more and lower the temps.

Yeah I'd feel a little uneasy with it running so high.

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Yeah, I just checked the board physically and it was HOT. Yikes! Made some adjustments.....


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First the pie is designed to work up to 80c so technically as long as you dont hit that constantly it should be good long term. I know we are all thought to think heat is bad, and it is but design of processors have been made to tolerate allot more in recent years.

I have used flirc cases, argon one cases, an acrylic case with a fan, and juat air cooled it. The flirc is the only fully passive option while the argon one is a kind of hybrid approach. If you aren't able to be fully passive air movement is your friend. I went as far as getting a big 120mm fan and just using that to pull air past the pie. It doesn't take much to make a big difference.


Yes, that won't help cool down the board :slightly_smiling_face:. This should do what we need, unless you are wearing a hat....


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