
@Matthew Opened up a question about interpretation of the feed as it pertains to today on the GitHub .. Curious your thoughts, Im probably misunderstanding this.

Edit: resolved

Glad you resolved this. All support is through this community. I do not monitor GitHub.

Started getting this error today. Anyone else?

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. on line 1462 (method pollOWMHandler)

Sorry, no.

Correction. At 2pm today I started to get this error like the rest!

No changes to driver in a long time. :thinking: Recommend opening driver and hitting 'Save Preferences' to re-establish schedules, or a hub reboot.

Good afternoon all been having issue with the driver this morning throwing errors. It turns out that the Poll Sunrise-Sunset: [uri:, timeout:20. Certificate expired last night? Till they publish a new one, OWM-alert is not going to function. Im not a real good prorgamer, but would it not be better to get sunrise and sunset from OWM oncall api? The driver is polling OWM and getting Json data back but because of the failure of sunset api all is broken. Just saying.


The poll gets more than Sunrise and Sunset times. The more detailed responses are used for the Lux calculations. At this point I will give them some time to update thier certificate and hopefully that resolves the issue. If that poll cannot be completed a more substantial re-write will be required and the lux calculations will be less accurate.

Same error here.

Edit 1: Last successful poll for me was 2022/04/15, 21:08 MDST

Edit 2: When I went to the site directly in my browser, an expired certificate warning was given, which I accepted & continued... Running the provided link by @daniel.barrie2 above DID however give a valid return:

Tried a different browser; once the expired certificate message is accepted, valid data is returned and there are no further certificate prompts. Hope this is useful...

I'm seeing the unable to get sunrise/sunset - although I have no need for the data as it comes in with the rest of the feed.

I'm also seeing a lux value of 5 - and the logs tell that something is happening but I'm not sure what it implies (the current lux measured from an external camera is 805)

I use Lux in rules to determine if lights are needed in certain places - it's not really damaging to my world since a motion lighting RM not being stopped from triggering is a small issue... not sure where to look about this...

Believe I read above where both sets of values are unavailable due to an expired cert on the site they are being harvested from.

I made a couple of minor edits in the driver and it has stopped the errors for now and every thing else seemed to keep working. The errors aren't really hurting anything, but since I added the error monitor app I now get a push notification every time I refresh the weather device. I have an app that refreshes the weather driver fairly often and I got annoyed by the error notifications.

I see a lot of people having the same issue, my driver has not updated for over a day now :sob: Will wait to see what the fix is.

Same error in my log.

I'm not getting sunrise-sunset errors any more... but these errors are recurring all the time now

I noticed the lux value never came thru so I executed the OneCall api with my api key and coords in a browser and I noticed the illuminance field is not there. Has this been dropped by OW now? and is that why I haven't received a data update since yesterday, processing of Poll Data is failing? My OW driver version is 'V0.5.3 08/11/2021'

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I posted a pull request to fix this if the api files to fall back to the hub settings.


V0.5.4 04/17/2027 Fallback for failure.

Thanks @nh.schottfam !


Thanks Guys. Appears to be fixed!!

I'm still constantly getting these errors in my logs before after updating...

Wx State

Thank you :relaxed:

@Matthew @nh.schottfam

Correction to my earlier comment... While it appears to be working on the surface, @jonathan.lorber is correct... On closer examination I also get the same error he does in the logs.

dev:41932022-04-18 03:02:11.707 am errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: null on line 1003 (method pollOWMHandler)

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

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