OpenWeather tile wind direction in Dashboard

Seems wind direction for openweather tile in the dashboard is not correct.


Isn't it the APIXU tile that is showing the wrong direction according to the data in the bottom picture.

APIXU is close to the pics below (darksky, and real time wind info of the city), which shows as 180 degree.
Openweather debug log shows 160 degree. tile shows the opposite arrow (direction)

170 degrees is nearly southerly (180) and OW looks to have it's arrow pointing "southerly' to me. :slight_smile:

ApiXU needs to duplicate wind and direction into two new Attributes that the Weather Tile expects (OW spelling). I corrected it for Beta testers but I'm thinking @bangali didn't get the notice.

sendEvent(name: "wind_dir", value: obs.current.wind_dir, displayed: true) 
sendEvent(name: "windDirection", value: obs.current.wind_dir, displayed: true) }
sendEvent(name: "wind", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.wind_mph : obs.current.wind_kph), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'MPH' : 'KPH')}", displayed: true)
sendEvent(name: "windSpeed", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.wind_mph : obs.current.wind_kph), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'MPH' : 'KPH')}", displayed: true) }

What's the attribute name for weather icon in the Weather Tile? Is it possible to add sunrise and sunset for the tile?

If you wish for a Custom Weather tile, you may wish to use @Cobra Super Tile.

Unless the weather station is on your house, you're going to have readings that don't agree. Weather is very localized. Wind at my house in the beach was from the East two hours ago and briefly Southernly. Trees and local weather patterns all really have a big effect on the readings. Especially direction.

I'm on the West coast right now, so that's why the time is showing 3 hours behind you, but the direction is correct for my house in Toronto.

so i should add the windSpeed and windDirection from wind and wind_dir respectively?

I know this is an old thread, but I just began using HE and recently integrated the weather widget onto my dashboard. In my opinion, the arrow direction is not pointing in the direction I would expect and instead is pointing 180 degrees opposite.

In my opinion, the arrow should point in the direction the wind is moving, not originating. In other words, a NE wind should be pointing to the SW. A SE wind should be pointing NW, as that is the direction the wind is moving.

If folks have a different preference, maybe we could add an option to select whether you wish for the arrow to behave like a windsock (pointing in the direction the wind is moving) versus a wind vane (pointing in the direction the wind is originating).

In my opinion, the windsock approach is the most intuitive. For additional clarity, I would also like to see the N/NW/W/SW/S/SE/E/NE characters. Thoughts?