OpenGarage 2.0 Support

Do you know of an example of how to do this?

Should have some time to work on a quick prototype for you tomorrow. Device is set up to be polled, i.e. if the door opens and closes you won't know it unless the driver happens to ask for an update when it is open.

I have a MQTT version written for Garadget and from that video it looks like it supports MQTT also. That should be a very easy port if going that direction.

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Amazing, thank you!

I personally won't be using the door open and close immediately (or ever). My primary intent is vehicle detection.

MQTT is supported and I have considered that route but don't have any experience. My understanding is that I need to setup a MQTT broker and Node-RED. Is this correct? If so are there native or popular user Apps for MQTT and Node-Red?

MQTT Broker, yes. Node Red, no. You CAN use a cloud MQTT broker service for this but that isn't very Hubitat everything local. I run a very simple mosquitto MQTT broker on my NAS. Others run them on RasPi, etc. Completely understand if you don't want to do that. Just offering I'm betting there isn't a WHOLE lotta work to convert my drivers for this setup considering they are both garage doors.

Here is some rough code. Paste into the Driver Code section, save and then go to Devices and add a virtual device with the Open Garage as the device type (should be at/near the bottom of the list).

 * Open Garage
 *  Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Change History:
 *    Date        Who            What
 *    ----        ---            ----

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
static String version()	{  return '0.0.1'  }

metadata {
    definition (
		name: "Open Garage", 
		namespace: "thebearmay", 
		author: "Jean P. May, Jr.",
	) {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Polling"
        attribute "door", "string"
        attribute "distance", "number"
        attribute "vehStatus", "string"
        attribute "rssi","number"
        command "close"
        command "toggleDoor"
        command "rebootDevice"

preferences {
    input("devIP", "string", title: "IP of the Open Garage Device", width:4)
    input("devPwd", "password", title: "Device Password", width:4)
    input("pollRate","number", title: "Polling interval in seconds (0 to disable)", width:4)
	input("debugEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?",width:4)

def installed() {
    log.trace "Open Garage v${version()} installed()"

def updated(){
    log.trace "updated()"
    if(pollRate > 0)
        runIn(pollRate, "poll")

void close() {
    if(debugEnable) log.debug "closing.."
            uri: "http:$devIP",
            path: "/cc?dkey=$devPwd&close=1",
            headers: [            
                   Accept: "application/json"
    ) { resp -> }

void toggleDoor() {
    if(debugEnable) log.debug "toggle door.."
            uri: "http://$devIP",
            path: "/cc?dkey=$devPwd&click=1",
            headers: [            
                   Accept: "application/json"
    ) { resp -> }

void rebootDevice() {
    if(debugEnable) log.debug "rebooting.."
            uri: "http://$devIP",
            path: "/cc?dkey=$devPwd&reboot=1",
            headers: [            
                   Accept: "application/json"
    ) { resp -> }

void setStatus(dStat){
    sendEvent(name:"door", value:dStat)

void updateAttr(String aKey, aValue, String aUnit = ""){
    aValue = aValue.toString()
    sendEvent(name:aKey, value:aValue, unit:aUnit)

void poll(){
            uri: "http://$devIP",
            path: "/jc",
            headers: [            
                   Accept: "application/json"
    ) { resp ->
            if (resp.getStatus() == 200){
                if (debugEnable) 
                def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper()
                Map retData = (Map)jSlurp.parseText((String)
        }catch (ex) {
            log.error "$ex"

void processJc(dMap){
    updateAttr("distance", dMap.dist, "cm")
    if(dMap.door == 1)
        updateAttr("door", "closed")
    if(dMap.vehicle == 1)
        updateAttr("vehStatus", "present")
        updateAttr("vehStatus", "not present")
    updateAttr("rssi", dMap.rssi, "dBm")

void logsOff(){
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I received the errors below and then realized I didn't have the device powered on :confused:

After powering on the device, I received the same errors.

I fat fingered the GET call; corrected the code above so if you re-copy and paste it we should get something different.

Looks like the return format is JSON like, but isn't delimited with quotes. I'll need to make a small adjustment to the code.

New set of code at (should be able to import using the address below):


Hmmm. Maybe now.

It worked :partying_face:

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Reboot button doesn't work:

Is there supposed to be an Open button or just Close?

Just saw that it does have an open - API had examples for Close, Toggle and Reboot, but not Open so I removed it, give me a minute and I'll put it back.

New version...